Chapter Eleven

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Picture credit: writeitforthefandom

Julien sat quietly, afraid to move a muscle because that would disturb the complete silence.

Elias and Parker had carried Celeste out of the OR about three hours ago. Apparently she'd just collapsed out of nowhere and no one could wake her. So now he got to sit in a room that used to belong to Celeste (the only thing besides a bed and a bookcase full of boxes were diagrams of complicated machines plastered on the metal walls) and just hope that Cel's concussion wasn't so terrible that she wouldn't wake up.

Celeste groaned.

He nearly jumped at the sound and rushed over to where Cel was lying on the bed. "Morning, Celeste."

"No." She groaned, rolling over and sadly, rolling off the bed. She hit the ground on her elbows and knees. "Ow!"

Julien helped her stand up. "Are you okay?"

"I think I have a headache." Cel said.

He laughed. "Well that's not bad, right?"

"Right." She nodded. "No concussion, I think."


"Yeah." Celeste's mind seemed to be moving a million miles and hour behind her eyes, until suddenly it wasn't and she was just smiling. "I love you."

"Where did that come from?"

"I don't know. I just felt like saying it." She shrugged and kissed him.


Ben walked into Torchwood's main room.

Claire was talking to Gwen Cooper and Jack Harkness, who looked like they were two seconds away from executing Parker.

Julien was sitting next to Anwen.

Celeste was talking to Evangeline, it looked like they were arguing about something.

Raphael and Penryn had already left to make sure that the others hadn't burned St. Louis to the ground.

And in the middle of all of it, Elias and Parker were arguing yelling at each other. Ben could only pick out a few words: 'insane', 'bounty hunter', and 'bat-shit'.

Ben crossed his arms and walked over. "What the hell are you two arguing about?"

"Parker wants to be a bounty hunter again."

"I didn't say that, Evil Spawn!" Parker yelled, turning to Ben. "He needs an MRI, something is wrong with his head."

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