Chapter Twenty Nine

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When Penryn came to, she was in so much pain that she almost wanted to die. Almost.

After thirty minutes, she started to remember who she was.

Something felt wrong in her body. It wasn't just the pain. Something inside her felt... empty.

She tried to move her fingers and felt them twitch in response.

Her hearing was fine -she just couldn't open her eyes or really move at all- and she clearly heard someone laughing in relief.

A hand gently touched her cheek, and slowly everything began to hurt less.

"Penryn?" She heard a man whisper. It took her a moment, but then she placed the voice. Raffe, her husband. "Penryn, are you awake?"

She tried to open her mouth, to speak, but she couldn't move it. Not yet.

"Oh, right, the anesthesia's after effects, you can't speak yet." Raffe whispered. She felt him hold her hand. "Tap my palm twice if you can hear me."

She did, putting as much force into her fingers as she could.

Raffe laughed again. "Good. I love you."

It took her two hours before she could open her eyes, and another four until she could speak. Raffe had probably sped that up.

"What happened?" Penryn asked him, watching her husband trace circles on her palm.

"With the demon blood or after you passed out?"


"I brought you here. Gabe showed up, but then she bailed again." Raffe explained. "Claire and Celeste  are downstairs in the cafeteria. You went into surgery, Dr. Kyte performed a C-section, then the other surgeons had to sew up your intestines and replace most of your blood."

Penryn's eyebrows furrowed. "A C-Section?" Then the thing that felt wrong besides the pain suddenly clicked. She looked down her body, and her stomach was almost completely flat. She could even see her feet. A knife of panic cut through her. "Where are Matthew and Joshua?" She asked quickly, scared.

He squeezed her hand. "No need to panic, Pen. They're in the NICU. Your grandparents are there with them right now."

Her eyes widened. "They're- they're okay? Our children are okay?"

Raffe smiled and kissed her cheek. "They're more than okay. I haven't been down to see them yet, I wanted to wait until you could. We can go down to see them in a few hours once you're strong enough to get into a wheel chair."

"Did anyone tell you what they looked like. What- what color are their eyes?"

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