Chapter Twenty Seven

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A/N: You guys are so lucky that my finals don't take a lot of studying so that I can actually update :) Sorry for the long wait, I was starting my rewrites of Deracinate (I was writing that last Monday through last Friday), but my word processor (WordPad, which sucks butt) decided to be mean and delete the first 18 pages, so now I've just wasted a week and a ton of effort with nothing to show for it. On the flip side, I GOT A PUPPY! She's a one year old pit bull mix named Lucy who likes to plow into people like a football player and she's SO CUTE! Anyways, happy reading :D

June 2nd, 2028

Emry had a nagging feeling that walking into Clementine Young's old house could not possibly be a good idea.

"Sean, are you sure that we're not going to get ambushed by one of the psycho siblings?" He asked, trying to convey 'I'm not going in there' through his words.

The alpha ignored him and kept walking.

A sound made Emry jump and he nearly shifted, he was so scared.

Sean rolled his eyes. "Ghosts don't exist anymore, dumb-ass." He snapped. "Stop being so damn jumpy."

He'd been this mean for the past few months. Sometimes he was nice and he'd act like he had before Clementine had died. But mostly he was either silent and depressed or talking and mean.

"You don't smell the blood in the air, then?" The beta asked the alpha. "You don't smell the death?"

"Of course I smell it." Sean snapped. "But so many people died here, that's why it's so strong. And zombies aren't real."

Emry sighed and followed the other boy inside, an itching at the base of his skull the whole time telling him to walk away.

When they got to the small, wasting house with the tiny doorplate labeled Young, Sean barely hesitated a moment before forcing the warped door open and walking right inside. Emry waited a whole three seconds before stepping through the doorway, and the second he did the air changed from the hot and dry air of westernmost southern California to the cold and damp air that reminded him of Canada. But it didn't make him feel any more safe or at home, the cloud of steam that hovered before his face just added to the creep factor.

They walked through a cramped hallway. The ceiling was so low that in the parts that sagged brushed the top of Emry's hair, and Sean needed to slouch just the slightest bit to not hit his head.

When they came to the end of the hallway, they passed an empty flight of stairs and into the kitchen.

In there, besides the tipped over and scorched kitchen table, what did they see?

A headless skeleton on the ground, bits of rancid meat and faded scraps of closing still on it.

"That would be the reason I don't want to be here." Emry gagged.

"Are you so sure about that?" A bone-chilling voice came from behind them.

Bad News (Coprolalia Part Three)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora