Chapter Twenty Three

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Picture credit: writeitforthefandom

Claire struggled to stay awake as the argument finally, at eight AM, finally

started petering to a stop. Even the werewolves had left three hours ago

She saw Ben flash her an especially exhausted glance.

"Okay, everybody out!" She finally said.

Everybody looked at her, surprised.

"What?" Misha Brooke asked.

"You heard me." She said, ushering everybody towards the door. "We've been arguing about all of this for nine hours, everybody needs sleep. Go home."

"What about Turner and Chloe and the mini nephilims?" Alice asked as Rae tried to pull her towards the door.

"They can stay for a while because they have to go all the way to North Dakota, not Williamsburg."

Alice nodded and her and Rae were the first two out of the door.

Five minutes later -after many more protests, Analise exchanging her phone number with half a dozen people at least, and Celeste struggling to find her cat- Ben, Claire, and Spartacus were alone in the apartment.

Claire sighed and focused all her energy on standing.

"That was exhausting." Ben said. He was leaning on the island.

She nodded. "Yeah, but it had to be done." She looked over at the living room. Jesse and Chloe had taken the tiny guest room about two hours ago, and Izzy and Rachel were passed out cold on the couch, somehow still not waking up as Spartacus barked at them and licked them. "I'm exhausted."

"Me too." He sighed. "But I have to work."

"You probably shouldn't be practicing medicine when you haven't slept in twenty seven hours, that's illegal." She smiled and walked over to him, wrapping her arm around his shoulders. "Come on, let's go sleep."

"M'kay." Ben said drowsily.

Claire laughed as they walked back towards their room. "I'm sure there'll be a crisis somewhere once we wake up, don't get too excited."

He yawned. "I need to go brush my teeth. I'll meet you in the bedroom in five minutes."


Sean turned the lock in the door to his, Clem's, and now Emry's apartment, and stepped inside.

Emry followed him, practically falling over his own feet.

"Go and sleep, Emry." Sean laughed.

Emry nodded and stumbled into the living room.

Before Sean could even take more than one sleeve of his jacket off, he heard yelling, loud swearing, and the sound of someone being tackled.

The alpha ran into the living room and saw Emry pinned to the ground, a girl clad completely in dark clothes with dark hair and pale skin pressing a dagger into his jugular.

"Clementine!" He barked. "Off of Emry!"

The girl practically jumped up and off of the omega. She looked over at him, surprised. There was dried blood flecked in her hair. "Sorry!" She said,

dropping the knife next to her. "I- I panicked."

"Understandable." Emry groaned as he stood up. "But why couldn't you have attacked your boyfriend instead of me?"

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