Chapter Twenty Eight

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June 3rd, 2028

Emma Winchester heard the doorbell ring.

Misha groaned, still half asleep as in the bed next to her. "You get it." The blond snapped, rubbing her eyes.

Emma sighed and slipped out of the comfy bed. "If it's either of your sisters I'm not going to let them in."

"Fine." Misha replied. "Unless it's my niece!"

Emma laughed. "Well it's probably not Melody, and of course I'd let that one in, I don't want to get shot. I just don't have time for your sisters with the bipolar disorder or Alice and her voices."

"Yeah, yeah." Misha waved her hand at her dismissively.

The doorbell started to ring frantically, like the person pressing it was physically assaulting the button.

"Geez, I'm coming." Emma whispered to herself. She then ran out of the bedroom, through the kitchen and living room, and right to the front door. She didn't even bother to check the peephole, there was a loaded gun on the table a foot to her left, and her reflexes were almost definitely faster than whoever was outside's were.

After she opened the door, Emma found that outside stood a teenage girl that she didn't recognize at all.

The girl had very dark hair that looked like it had been cut by a child using safety scissors. She had pale green eyes that were almost as white washed as her skin. She was wearing a light colored t-shirt and jeans, but Emma couldn't tell what color they had been, they were too dirty. The girl also had deep and shallow gashes covering her legs.

"Are you Melody's aunt?" The girl asked, she sounded exhausted, and she was swaying on her feet.

"What?" Emma asked, confused.

"I was told to come here by Melody." The girl had to keep taking shallow breaths between nearly every word. "My name is Anwen Cooper. I'm the youngest employee at Torchwood. I was kidnapped from Torchwood four months ago, and I escaped yesterday with the help of Melody Turner and Parker Collins, who I was held captive with for the past few months. They gave me a verbal list of people who they knew who could help me get them out and get to Charleston to warn Claire Novak. Are you or are you not a Turner?"

Emma sighed and turned around. "Misha!" She called.

Misha walked out a second later, bright blue eyes glowing as she looked curiously at Anwen. "Who's this?"

"She says that her name is Anwen and she was held with your niece and the good doctor." Emma informed her.

Misha smiled. "My sisters are gonna like this." She laughed. "Come on in, Anwen. I'd like to hear what you have to say."

Anwen took a hesitant step forwards and Emma closed the door behind her.

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