Chapter Sixteen

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Elias picked up the patient's chart. "Hello, um..."


"Hello Miss Georgia Darsh. I'm your intern for your stay here." Elias smiled. "I see you're here for-" His eyes widened when he saw this. "Sex reassignment surgery."

The patient nodded.

Elias took out a pen. "Preferred pronouns?"

"She and her." Georgia smiled.

He nodded and wrote that at the bottom of the chart. "How have you liked your stay so far?"

"The doctors here are nice." Georgia shrugged. "A nice non surgical intern came by earlier. I think her name was Cullen or something, like those vampires from twilight? Then she realized I was a surgical patient and left."

Elias laughed. "Do you mean Dr. Parker Collins?"

Georgia nodded. "Yup, that was her. Do you know her? She was really nice."

"She's, um," Not my girlfriend, not really. She's made it clear that's not what she wants. "She's a friend. A good friend of mine."

Georgia smiled. "I also met a very nice nurse named nurse Dimandis, and the urologist. I forget her name..."

"Dr. Emma Hart." Elias finished for her. "She's the attending who will be performing your surgery later today. You must be very high profile, the hospital flew her in all the way from Florida. I haven't met her yet, but she's a very good surgeon from what I've heard. She was even certified prewar."

Georgia nodded again, swinging her dark hair out of her face. "Don't you have other patients you need to talk to instead of hanging out here with me?"

"I don't have any other patients yet. It's early."

Just as he said that, his pager went off.

It was from Analise.

Trauma in the pit. About twenty victims, bus veered off of the road and into a ditch. Get Braeden and Hayley when you come down here.One of the Jane Does looks like one of the missing persons from the end of the war. He might be able to identify her, maybe the others too.

Georgia smiled. "More patients? Is it an emergency?"

"Bus went off roading and crashed." Elias said slowly.

"Then what are you still doing here?"Georgia snapped. "Go help!"


Ben followed Hayley and Elias down to the pit at a run.

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