Chapter One

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Your Pov

You call your sister as you packs your bag, after a few rings she picks up. "Hey sis what's up?"

"I'm coming to LA," You say with excitement in your voice.

She squeals "really?! That's amazing!"

"Well actually I'm moving there, so I need a place to stay until I get my own place."

There is silence for a few seconds then she responds "that's literally so amazing, I don't have room here at my house but Sam has an extra room so I can ask him."

"That would be amazing!"

"Sam is gonna be happy to hear that, I thought you were just coming to visit but that's literally amazing." There we're voices on her side of the line.

"Well after my breakup, there isn't much left for me here," you sigh loud enough for it to be heard by your sister.

"Shit I forgot about that, how are you holding up baby?"

"Honestly I'm doing better then I thought I was gonna, thanks Kat."

The voice on her end get louder, "that's good, well I'm gonna go hang out with Sam and everyone. I'll tell Sam to call you about staying."

"Thank you, have fun, I love you."

"I love you too," she hangs up, leaving you alone to pack my stuff.

After a few hours, it was around five o'clock when your phone starts ringing. You pick it up without looking at it and answering it, "hello?"

"Hey bear! I miss you!" Sam says, music was playing softly in the background.

"Hey Sammy! I'm guessing you called me about staying at your place?"

He chuckles a little bit "yes, you can stay here if your okay with living with three other guys."

"Wait three other guys?!"

"Yes, Corey, Jake, and Colby," a guy voice was in the back as he said that.

You stay silent for a moment for he can talk to the other guy, "yea I actually wouldn't mind."

"Alright, when did you wanna come?"

"I was actually hoping to come tomorrow since I already booked my flight."

"That's actually prefect, because the new bed comes for the room tomorrow. So I'll see you tomorrow bear."

"See yea tomorrow Sammy," you say before hanging up on him for he can get back to what he was doing.

The next day after your plane lands.
A guy was holding a piece of paper with your name on it. He was African American, with pearly white teeth, brown eyes and small black Afro. He was wearing a blue shirt, with lettering all over it, and black skinny jeans. You walk up to the guy slowly, "hi, I'm guessing Sam or Kat sent you?"

He looks you over a few times, then says "If you name is Y/n then yes." He laughs a little before continuing "hi, it's nice to meet you I'm Kevin, Kevin Langue and Sam sent me."

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