Chapter Five

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Your Pov

You walk up to Colby slowly, his cup in his hand as he stairs at the computer screen that has a editing software on it. You put your hand on his shoulder and start rubbing his shoulder slight, causing him to jump a little. He put his cup down, looking back at you real quick before looking back at the screen. "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you."

"Nah your good, I'm just stressed," Colby lowers his laptop, which makes the room a bit darker then before.

"Well what are you working on?" You raise your eyebrows as he put both of his hands on the counter.

"Just the amusement park video, we were suppose to have it up like a week ago but since there is hours of footage it's a bit harder." Colby sighs a little, "I can't wait to see the comments on our new roommate when we post the video tomorrow though."

"Ahhh, y'all are late with that video..." you look around "anyways why is Amber not down here with you?" Colby shakes his head, his back still turnt to you so you lean against the counter with your back, looking at his face.

"I tried talking to her about my problems, but Amber just acts like she don't care," Colby finally look you in your eyes.

"Well I understand now why she isn't down here," you put your hand on his, which the palm was on the counter top. "I'm here if you wanna talk about it, I'll try I my best to understand."

Colby looks down at your hand on-top if his, he started slowly explaining himself. You listen, trying your best to understand where he's coming from. "So yeah, I feel like if I tell her she's gonna argue with me or break up with me, that's why it's so hard to tell her."

You sigh "I know you don't want that, but it's better if you tell her you have feelings for someone else."

"Your right," he removes his hand, turning his back to the counter. "How about you and Kian?"

You jump up and sit on-top of the counter, "he's sweet, he may or may not be taking me on a date tomorrow night."

He turns to you, he side pressing up against the counter "so you like him?"

Colby Pov

When I asked Y/n if she liked Kian, you can tell she hesitated a little. "Yeah you could say that, why are you jealous?"

"Not even close Stuart," I was jealous maybe because I've developed some feelings for her. If we didn't meet every night if the kitchen, I wouldn't but we do and we have became really good friends. "Also what made you forgive me? Cause like a month ago you hated me."

Y/n pulls her phone out of her hoodie pocket, I see her type in her password then scroll through something. She hands me her phone shortly after, "she admitted using you a few days after the amusement park, so that's why. If she didn't, then we would be okay but we wouldn't be friends right now."

"Well I'm glad because we have gotten really close. Well if it wasn't for the nightly meetings," I laugh a little.

"Why are we just friend here? Like why do we pretend to hate each other when others are around," Y/n look around the kitchen.

"I don't know maybe because people think we hate each other," I shrug.

"Well I personally think we should tell everyone we're friends," she looks down at her feet.

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