Chapter Seven

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Your Pov

Y'all get to the house, everyone gets out of the car, going inside after you unlock the door, they head upstairs to your room. You go upstairs but walk past your room, which was the first room when you walked up the stairs. You pull your phone out of your purse and dial a number.

"Yo wassup?" The voice a deep like he had just woken up from a nap.

"It's Y/n, I just wanted to ask a question because I heard your in LA," you start walking down the hall.

"Damn stalking me already love? Yeah I am in LA, I moved here almost a month ago," he grunted a little.

You make a disgusted face while still walking and talking, "you wish I was stalking your ass."

"Damn how'd you know? But why did you wanna know?"

"Well you know how my sister lives here, we'll you should but if you didn't now you do. I moved here a month ago," you keep walking.

He laughs a little, "oh love you know I believe in signs. I think we're meant to be."

You hold in a laugh "in your dream Aaron, you dumped me for a reason."

He sighs "love you know how sorry I am about that."

"Mhm I only wanted to call you and see if you were, bye Aaron," you hang up on him as he started talking. You realize that you made your way towards Colby's room, you walk into his room, stopping at the doorway "Colby?" You walk in fully, realizing that he's not there actually realizing that none of the boys were home.

"The boys went to the bar, if you were wondering," Kat appeared behind you, making you jump.

"Omg the next person to scare me is getting punched," you laugh at yourself.

"Sorry about that," Kat pushes you slightly, letting out a small laugh.

You think for a second, "why don't we do swim thing fun?"

Kat looks you in your eyes, "what did you have in mind?"

You smirk "let's go!"

You gather the girls together, making a relay race well more then one. You also had a pillow fight, by the time you were done the house was a mess. A bunch of the girl ended up falling asleep on the couches downstairs.

"I gotta say this is one of the best girls night we have had," Devyn looks up at you.

"All thanks to Y/n," Tara pushes your leg with her shoulder, you were sitting on the stairs with them. You were one step above them, your knees were between their two shoulders.

"Of course," Devyn looks at her "Omg it four am, we should go to sleep."

Tara eyes go a little wide, "Damn yeah, I have to be up in a few hours."

"Alright let's go to sleep then," you get up and they get up with you. Y'all walk to your room, you have to be careful where you step because some of the girls were sleeping on the floor. You got to the bed without stepping on anyone, and fall asleep with the girls.

Secret Love (traphouse fan-fiction) Where stories live. Discover now