chapter one

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"I don't wanna go Jos." I insist to my perky best friend.

Josalyn has always been one to pressure me into doing things to get me out of my comfort zone. I always am grateful for it later on, but right now I just want her to respect my wishes and leave me the hell alone.

"Roxanne" she whines like a toddler, huffing and flailing dramatically so that the long braided pigtails on top of her head bob around.

I look to her from my sprawled out position on my dark green comforter, awaiting the speech I know is brewing in that pretty head of hers. Josalyn and I have been best friends since birth... Literally. Our mothers were best friends since they were in kindergarten and planned their pregnancies at the same time so that their children would also be best friends. We were born two days apart, Josalyn being the older one. She never lets me forget that. Even though Jos and I are both only children it never felt like it. We consider each other to be a sister.

Josalyn makes her way from the large window of my bedroom that overlooks Los Angeles, to the edge of my bed and plops down. Her childlike face softens, bottom lip forming into a slight pucker. Which means I'm about to get majorly guilt-tripped.

"Roxanne, you know how important tonight is for me. It's the first time hanging out with everyone outside of work. And I already know everyone thinks I'm a major narc because I'm new and young and eager. I just want to make friends with everyone. With you there I'll be more comfortable and you can help keep me from rambling and saying stupid stuff when I'm nervous." She pleads with me.

I really didn't wanna go tonight. I just got back from Paris on a brand trip. A shoe company sent me along with several other influencers to do some photo shoots and what not for a whole week, so needless to say I'm exhausted. I love my job and I'm grateful that something that started out as me making stupid videos on my dad's laptop at 9 years old and posting them to YouTube has turned into my full time job at 20, but it can be very exhausting at times.

Josalyn's passion has always been fashion. Even when we were young she would make our outfits for school. Mind you, the kids at school didn't find it as cool as we did, but Josalyn never cared (and neither did I because she made me some bomb ass clothes- still does). She never let what they say bring her down, and now here she is, 20 years old, working on Harry Style's fashion team. Living out her dream. Harry is about to go on tour, so Josalyn got this job at the beginning of the year and has been helping design all of his outfits. She has shown me some sneak peaks of a few and honestly, they're super cool.

Since she is new and there are many other people on Harry's team she hasn't really been included, but apparently the head of fashion, Jakob, invited her to some party tonight and it's a big deal. Don't get me wrong, I am super supportive of Josalyn, always have been, and I'm always there for every big event that takes place in her life. But I'm just so tired from having to be so social the past week with a bunch of other female influencers who treat each other like competition rather than being supportive of each other's success. I'm just not in the mood to be around others right now, I'm not sure my anxiety can handle it.
But sitting here looking at the pleading look on my best friend's face, knowing all she wants is to fit into this new world she's in... How could I possibly say no.

"Fine," I reply in a monotone, straight-faced manner

"Really?" She asks dramatically, knowing I would cave.

"Yes. But how big of a party will this be?" I question

"Oh, it should just be a small get-together!" She insists, easing my anxiousness.

"Ok, what should I wear?" I question, rolling off of the bed so I was squatted on the floor facing my closet that currently had the mirror doors slid open with my suitcase lying opened in front of it and clothes strewn around it on the floor.

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