chapter four

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Just so y'all know, things are going to be getting good very soon 😈😈😈

(P.s. you'll know when it's time for the chapter song <3)

I can't believe I actually agreed to go to this dinner with Josalyn tonight. Luckily I had a heads up this time and wasn't blindly walking into another disaster waiting to happen like at the party. Thankfully I was able to take my anxiety medicine beforehand. It works within 20-30 minutes of taking it, so that's why knowing the situation I'm entering is nice.

My phone buzzes between my hands and I see at the top of my screen it's Josalyn telling me she's here. We often Uber because we hate driving, but Josalyn decided to drive us tonight, which I'm fine with. As long as I'm not the one having to drive, I'm down.

I take one last look at myself in the mirror. I'm wearing black tights, a black mini skirt, and a black cropped top with puffy sleeves. I have my hair in pigtails on the back of my head, my curtain bangs pinned back neatly with black butterfly clips, and a few wavy pieces that I pulled out to frame my face. I also touched up my makeup from earlier today, adding some dark eyeshadow as well. I exchanged my everyday jewelry for something a bit more 'formal'. The restaurant we're going to is a pretty nice one. And apparently, they rented out the whole upstairs area for tonight.

I rush out of my apartment, locking the door and entering the elevator

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I rush out of my apartment, locking the door and entering the elevator. I tap my black heels against the hard floor of the elevator, impatiently staring at the reflective doors to open. After a few moments, they separate, revealing the lobby. I scurry through the empty lobby and push into the doors, wind whooshing my hair back as I do so. I see Josalyn's black Chevy Malibu sitting at the curb directly in front of me.

I can hear the hum of music coming from within the vehicle as I approach. I slip my hand around the slick handle and the music blasts into my ears. I'm not mad about it though. Josalyn and I always say, 'the louder the better'. If there isn't a slight ringing in your ear after jamming out with your best friend, was it really that great of a jam Sesh.

I seat myself in the car and close the door. Josalyn doesn't say anything, just continues to scream the lyrics


I join in screaming as she pulls away from the curb and heads down the street.

I feel happy.

I've struggled with feeling that emotion recently. Happiness seems like such a simple emotion but it is so complex. Happiness is expected, but so difficult to obtain at times. Sometimes happiness comes from the places you least expect. I find happiness in Josalyn.

In moments like this: screaming lyrics riding through LA with all the windows down, stray hairs clinging to my lips gloss.

I find happiness in seeing puppies and babies and eating my favorite foods. I find happiness in watching the sunrise, in taking hot showers.

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