chapter two

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Harry Styles. Hollywood bad boy. I dont know much about him other than he got his start in music when he was 16. Him and his friends had a band called 'Miseria'. Harry was the lead singer but he abruptly left the band a few years ago and no one really knows why. The rest of the guys decided that without him they didn't wanna continue. Then last year Harry dropped a solo album.

Honestly, I love his music. I loved Miseria's music too. I may or may not have been a total fangirl (still might be).
But all I hear of Harry is the trouble he is causing. Whether it's getting into fights with anyone who looks at him the wrong way, or getting into scandals with different women weekly. Like I said, his music is great. But him? Not so much.

Then again, I know what it's like being in the public eye and how the media twists things to seem a certain way. For me personally I'm seen as the social media 'good girl'. I'm a role model to girls everywhere. I do everything right and everyone loves me. To me, that reputation is much worse than having a negative reputation. When your reputation is being a screw-up, there's no pressure. You don't have anything to prove because everyone expects the worst from you. But when you're viewed as perfect, people expect perfection from you. It's a lot of pressure.

But still, having a different scandal weekly is a bit much. Plus, people say he is a major douche bag. Everyone says he's disrespectful and entitled.

I trail close behind Josalyn as she leads the way to the canopy of people. My stomach starts to cramp and I feel my heart beating faster the closer we get. You'd think considering I have to meet new people often and work with strangers id be used to it and not have social anxiety. But apparently being forced to face your fears doesn't make them go away.
I really wish I had taken my anxiety medicine before coming, but I figured if it was just a few people I would be fine.

As we reach the large couch, Josalyn re-takes her seat on the edge, and I decide to just sit cross-cross on the ground slightly in front of her, facing the others.

No one acknowledges our arrival as they're staring at Harry. I didn't really pay attention to him until this moment because I was so caught up in my nervousness.

Honestly, he's kinda beautiful. He talks to those around him, telling a story. He has an inviting smile and enticing words that make you want to hang onto every letter that escapes his pink lips. His bright emerald eyes had a child-like glow to them. And his hair was messy, but perfect at the same time. Whipping in waves going in different directions. The length ending a couple inches below his shoulders

I was so enthralled with examining Harry that I didn't realize the conversation had ceased and everyone was peering at me. Josalyn's knee nudged my back and I jolted. I realized that I must have been asked a question.

"Huh?!" I say, my voice coming out strained and squeaky.

"Introduce yourself." Josalyn whispers through gritted teeth.

I nervously go to say my name when I'm interrupted by the green-eyed center of attention

"Looks like someone's got a staring problem." He mumbles out smugly, as he leans further back into the cushions with a smirk. Chin turned up.

My palms start to sweat and I start to feel my cheeks heat. Everyone under the canopy erupts into a roar of laughter.

It wasn't even that funny, it was just rude. Why is everyone laughing?

I feel my stomach clench and am unsure whether or not I'm going to vomit up the remnants of the sushi I had for dinner.

A beautiful girl with deep brown skin rolls her pair of almond shaped eyes at Harry's comment.

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