chapter eleven

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"Jos, I think I need some actual clothes packed too." I huff as Josalyn continues to shove revealing party dresses into my suitcase

"Mmm no you don't," she laughs.

"Well maybe I don't, but I would prefer to wear normal clothing please." I retort, pulling out all the various dresses and bra-like tops to replace them with the outfits I've already picked out to pack.

"Suit yourself but- Hey! Not the red one!" She grabs the red dress from my hands and pulls it from my reach.

"I understand replacing some of the dresses, but you know we're gonna be going to parties. And this dress is perfect." She states while putting it back where it was.

I sigh and throw myself back onto my furry boho rug in my bedroom, letting Josalyn win.

Frankly, I am exhausted and don't have the energy to fight her because I literally just got home from New York last night and I have spent all day preparing for tour; which we leave for tomorrow morning. Plus, I have had the red dress for ages and have been dying for the opportunity to wear it. Problem is, I rarely go to parties to be able to wear it. Josalyn tells me that there will be plenty of partying while on tour, which kind of shocked me that there would even be time for that, or that anyone would feel like it. But then again, it's Harry's tour, so there's no doubt that he would find a way to party his way through it.

The first week after Grant informed me Harry wanted nothing to do with me was terrifying, to say the least. I was so on edge just waiting for the act to be blown. I had to fake dates with Harry three times to Josalyn. I was so dedicated I literally got ready all three times and ended up sitting alone at the beach for hours reading. In a way, it was kind of fun, but I can't deny my excitement of having to spend the last 2 weeks in New York on business.

The dating act has gone well. The media has continued to talk about it; breakup rumors even began swirling during that first week after the fight. But of course, Grant saved the day by having "Harry" post a picture of me going on about how happy he is and how wonderful I am blah blah blah. He actually used a picture he had taken in the car after the picnic we went on. It was one that I didn't know he had taken which surprised me. I was sitting there smiling while drinking the Starbucks I forced him to buy me.

Anyway, I still haven't heard a peep from Harry. I tried sending him a text once and it never said delivered, leading me to believe the bastard blocked me. I've spoken to Grant plenty though. He was super informative about everything I would need for tour and the expectations Harry and I are to upkeep.

"Ok, all that's left is your hairbrush and toothbrush to pack in the morning, and any extras you wanna throw in your tote bag to keep with you on the bus," Josalyn tells me after putting some final things in my suitcase.

"Jos, I can't tell you how much I appreciate your help tonight."

I really am grateful for her. Not only has she packed herself and most of my stuff, but she has been working what seems like non-stop recently. She loves it though, I can tell. She's doing what she loves.

"No problem kiddo." She smiles, crawling over to where I lie and throwing herself back in the same way I did so we now lie side by side.

"Hey Rox," She begins

"Yeah Jos?"

"I'm scared," She whispers as she rolls over on her side to face me, hands cushioning her face.

I do the same. "Me too," I whisper back.

"Good." She laughs.

"Misery loves company, right?" I offer, to which she lets out a small hum of laughter, but I can see her mind is elsewhere.

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