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-Third brother-

Sparks flew as two charged conduits locked together. The stalemate was short lived, as the opponent was knocked back a few steps by an invisible force. Quickly a second part intervened, and a fast paced combination of blocks, swipes and jabs took place.

The combatants stood inside a marked circle in the centre of the room. The area inside the circle was well-lit, but the space outside was less so. None of it did much to compliment the bland metal walls and stale black details of the room's interior. By the entrance stood rows of various firearms and electric-charged melee weapons, ready for use.

With two against one. The black clad Inquisitor shed his cloak before the match, neither did he wear his mask for the occasion.

He had quite an untraditional appearance for one of his occupation. He could, in a sense be considered handsome. Caucasian male, with ash blonde hair, cleanly slicked back now fell over his auburn coloured eyes. With whom he glared somewhat zestfully at his opponents.
They'd all worked up a sweat, but the fight was just getting started. The hunter clearly wasn't as brawny as the purge troopers he was up against, though their armour did make them look bigger.

Practice like this was useful in keeping up their game, since the were increasingly fewer scenarios they could make use of their close combat skills. In all honesty the fallen Jedi initiated the duel, partially to draw out his report to his master about this new development. As well as to avoid thinking about it for a while. It had already been 24 hours.. the predicament had dealt him an unexpected blow, he couldn't allow further confliction. The Sith lord would definitely sense his underlying unease on the matter.

The Inquisitor's style was rather aggressive, it had to be. In his line of work, duels weren't meant to last. Still he truly favoured defensive arts. Old habits.. This was, on the other hand, training. He could get away with letting up like that here; to simulate the form of a cornered jedi.

The man twirled his electrostaff as his men circled him. They weren't supposed to hold back. The voltage was powerful enough to stop a man's heart after five seconds of direct contact. The crackle of the weapons charge loomed in the air, creating a tense atmosphere. He made use of this weapon only for occasions like this, as it would be unfortunate if his own personal troopers became dismembered. They were meant to be expendable, yes, but one obviously wouldn't want to waste such valuable assets for sport.

They were still aboard the Commencer lurking above the planet Kijimi. His men on the ground had found someone with information about the VCX light freighter that'd flown of at their arrival. It wasn't much to go on, but they'd found a way. It was standard protocol to scan any spacecraft in the vicinity, and he'd had them find the specific data in the ship's system. They'd only got the ship's life signs and design before it left sensor range. Out of their reach. 

For now..

The inquisitor had ordered them to bring the individual directly to him for questioning. Normally he'd go to the surface and confront whoever it was himself, but frankly he didn't feel like doing so,this time.. So this was an unusual move, the captain would certainly not be pleased with him.. Not that he cared.

-The trooper charged, wielding two electro batons. The pair exchanged blows, and the dark knight now slightly regretting his earlier instructions to the trooper on actively going for his hands. As it would take more care and effort for him to adjust for this.. The second joined shortly after, in an attempt to overwhelm, he wielded a staff, same as the inquisitor. -For the sake of variety.

The exchange was cut off once he got tagged in the arm. An automatic response, considering the hunter was their superior. Unfortunately, he got hit in the left arm - the one where they'd replaced his biological hand for a fully functional mechanical arm (severed just bellow the elbow). The machinery responded to the nerves that would've controlled the movement in his hand..

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