That's a wrap

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Ingeld only briefly glanced at Ira before leaving the clearing. With the fresh wind blowing against his face and the somewhat comforting speed and security of his speeder, Ingeld was able to calm himself back to his usual apathetic self, just in time to arrive at the rendezvous point.

 Perhaps a bit too apathetic even for him. He still felt like things were way out of place and this something needed to be addressed, but right now it felt easier to bury that turmoil and the emotions packed with it deep down. Somehow everything got way more complicated since he met Ira. Until now he had successfully managed to ignore his past, travel around the galaxy and enjoy his freedom, but now, all of a sudden, his past was shoved into his best. The worst part was that he couldn't quite find the culprit behind all of this and place blame. Ingeld wasn't even sure he regretted joining this job, even if there was sure as hell a lot of repercussions. 

The former jedi was able to discretely load his crates into the ship while Brie and Vyce were occupied with their argument but was caught right at the time Ira arrived. Ingeld stoically stood through Brie's heated talk, although he did have a very strong urge to take at least a few steps back. Surprisingly enough, the former jedi wasn't exactly used to it. 

His master had been more of a 'sink or swim' kind of teacher, and pretty much gave Ingeld free rein. Rarely scolding him for things he didn't consider 'important'. After all, the master quickly discovered his pupil's innate gift of getting into massive trouble, especially when Ingeld didn't bother to filter everything he said. If he would have been given a heated speech every time he got caught by the enemies or simply messed up, most of his training would have been about listening to said speeches. 

Ingeld shifted, snapping back to reality. No. No, no, no, no. He wouldn't go down that path, especially not today and not now. Ingeld remained calm through Brie's speech and after offering a hasty apology slipped through into the ship with surprising ease and proficiency. 

He did learn some things in the days back, after all. Frankly, it wasn't exactly fair to leave Ira to deal with the mess. But that rarely would have stopped Ingeld, and it was certainly not gonna stop him now. Especially since she didn't seem like the type to let go of the episode with the Acklay. 

Somewhere in the back of his mind, the former jedi acknowledged that he was simply trying to flee from his problems, but this part was buried very, very deep down. While masterfully evading anyone from the crew, Ingeld made a second check in the cargo room, making sure that the spice was just in the right amounts and nothing was missing. He knew on his hide that organisations and groups that traded spice weren't a forgiving bunch. Then he proceeded just as carefully to slip back through the hallways of the ship, only once crossing Hallis, who didn't even take much notice. 

After entering his dorm, Ingeld quickly took hold of his datapad. He didn't have many people he could trust. To be specific, nobody he could fully trust. However, right now he needed to contact one.


She'd let Ingeld keep to himself for now. He obviously wasn't interested in discussing what happened back there. Brie calmed down as well. She said nothing about the damaged bike although it was obvious that she'd noticed. Ira retired to her place on the ship; the pit. It was more of a haven than her personal quarters. She'd probably fallen asleep in that chair more than she'd slept in her own bed. Slightly unsettling, but she'd never dozed off whilst manoeuvring the ship anywhere. She got a proper look at her shoulder and knee, just some scrapes and bruises, it'd be fine. 

Ira settled in her seat and fidgeted with her saber hilt once more, deep in thought. BD had settled on the control-panel, and ran some basic diagnostics to occupy himself. She couldn't take her mind off the previous events. The Hapan heard the cargo bay door slam shut, and funnily enough she was certain she could hear Hallis, by the speed and weight of his steps on the metal floor -approach through the hall. 

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