So it begins

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The Commencer dropped out of hyperspace. A blue and white tinted sphere now stood before them. The planet, like so many others under imperial control, was as insignificant as it looked. Frigid mountainous terrain, with a few cities and spaceports scattered across the planet surface. At the head of the bridge; a cloaked figure examined the surface thoughtfully, having immediately sensed a disturbance upon their arrival. 

However faint it was.. There was something alarmingly familiar about it.

The man, completely clad in black with a blazing red Imperial symbol embedded on his left shoulder. A full mask covered his face, in addition to a hood and a long dark cloak. A standard inquisitor's saber attached to his belt.

Personally, he hated the design, as it were designed to overwhelm and strike fear in to one's opponent. It had it's advantages. But it was flawed. This defect had yet to be discovered by any adversary. Granted, no one had ever been around long enough to be given the chance.. 

Four black and red troopers lurked along the edges of the large room. Intimidating the officers at work. The constant chatter from various sources did not bother him anymore. No one dared disturb the Inquisitor as they went on with their assigned duties. They were to pick up menial troop transports from the surface, as they were to be stationed elsewhere.. This destroyer happened to be available and equipped to receive such a vast number of troops on such short notice.

The Inquisitor's place here was only to monitor the progress of the ship's captain, as the man's reliability was in question. He'd not taken the necessary precautions and managed to let a force- user slip out of custody. Two of six purge troopers under the hunter's command were cut down in the process. Proving that the boy was at a higher combat level than what would've been expected of a fourteen year old. 

The issue had been dealt with accordingly.

Standing at the head of the bridge was more habitual, than anything. His brooding left him in a state of heightened sensitivity. With his mind bordering the narrow space between meditation and reality. Deeply enough connected to the force to enhance his minds view, yet distant enough to maintain a blurred sense of the now. An element usually lost, if fully invested in the meditative state. Only with the amplification of the dark side, had he found this feat possible. The cold was among one physical side effect.. One he embraced. And one needed not be force sensitive to sense the ominous drop of the room's atmosphere. Enough to put the officers on edge. The eerie was enough to site significant unease in some. There was a reason he had such a high success rate when it came to locating force-sensitives. The stronger connection to the force, to the light, the easier it was to locate the source.. practically a beacon. He sensed it the moment of their arrival. 

A merchant freighter made way to depart in the distance. It had come from the surface during the time the destroyer had arrived in orbit. The small vessel looked as insignificant as any other ship in the vicinity. 

Yet, the little speck in the far off distance called for his attention. Drawn towards the essence of something.. This peculiar sensation would not fade. He pursued it, almost to the point where he physically took a step forward. The moment he moved, all else turned to ash as it dawned on him.

He recognised it. 

This sparked an interest that as quickly turned into dismay, and he clenched his metal fist. - Courtesy of a certain Sith lord.

This was not at all what he'd expected to come out of such a elementary visit. The hunter would have to proceed with a calculative approach.. He'd been told she was dead. He'd have to consult with his master on the matter.

The captain entered the room and made his way across the walkway, he looked stiff as he positioning himself next to the Inquisitor. The imperial elite loathed the man beside him, but masked it well. The feeling was mutual, yet the hunter was not so discreet.

"I see the bog rat finally decided to emerge from its hole." He acknowledged the captain, still looking on. The captain scoffed at the ill mannered comment and turned away to get an update on the procedure. Disappointed, but not surprised by his continued professionalism, the darksider huffed;
"I have discovered something of significance. This may not have been a complete waste of my time." The masked man gestured for the two closest purge troopers to line up. The Captain looked to him, familiar with the Inquisitors' special insight, he made an educated assumption.


The darksider paused, his gaze lingering on the captain for a few long moments. 


He stepped down, facing his men standing in attention. "She will be gone before we have a chance to act. But I will send my men down to the city to gather information." The brawny troopers nodded and left the bridge.

He returned his gaze to the ship, clasping his hands behind his back. The vessel made the jump, and the presence was gone. 

Out of reach.

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