Bug problems

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The next hour went by pretty quickly. Ingeld had managed to scout a few routes and had successfully kept the speeder from getting scratched. He even had a chance to strike a small talk with Brie that gradually transitioned into a discussion of the new models of the Empiric starfighters and would have undoubtedly shifted into a heated debate about the just-released versions of ion thruster, if not for the need to constantly move back and forth to carry the crates. He was rather good a striking small talks and it was simply nice to enjoy a conversation that for once was not about something awfully important. By the end of the hour, Ingeld was looking pretty smug. He did have to admit that Ira was better at the accelerations. Their first race was the only time he had a chance to start ahead and even then it was probably a result of the element of surprise. She always somehow ended up ahead of him at the start of the race. Ingeld assumed that it was something all pilots regardless of their preferred vehicle had, after all, you either learn to react and get out of the fire quickly or... well, you don't.  .

On their last run, Ingeld did not bother to try to catch up with Ira, instead of turning on a path he believed was shorter.  The stunning greenery and occasional fluorescent colours of mushrooms merged in one blurred picture as the speeder gained velocity. Right there was a series of large mushrooms that he knew he would have to do three perfect turns. The first one came out fine, but Ingeld instantly knew that at such speed, he will not make it and jammed on the brakes, forcing the speeder to come to a sliding stop near the mushrooms. After a second, he re-balanced the speeder, and grumbled something under his breath, maneuvering the vehicle out of the mushroom field. He lost valuable seconds there and chances are, he would not be able to catch up in time. Just then, he heard an unmistakable screeching that promised nothing good. Ingeld glanced at the back. He somehow knew that he will regret this, but the curiosity and unwelcomed worry prompted him to quietly drive to the place where he thought he heard the sound.  He arrived at the clearing just in time to see Ira standing upright and the confronting beast. Ingeld couldn't quite place his mind to what this thing was but a quick scan of it made him think that it was not a native species. Plus, Ingeld could swear that he had seen it somewhere, and it was not on this planet. He stayed just at the edge of the clearing, too far away for the beast and Ira to notice him with the current tensions. Ingeld hurriedly glanced back to where he knew their ship was. Things were not looking good. The sanest thing would have been probably to back out of this, but somehow he knew that at this stage this thought would be cast away, especially since a plan had formed in his hand.  .

Still, Ingeld watched intently as Ira tried to make contact with the creature. It was not exactly the time, but a part of him felt with resentment. Only for whom, or for what, this resentment was meant? Ingeld cast these thoughts out, focusing on the situation. He felt his masked lightsabers become heavy as if reminding him of their presence. But then, there was also the blaster. He may not have been a sniper, but in three years, he was able to get a firm grip on the weapon. At least he was a bit better at shooting then stormtroopers in their helmets.  

The moment the beast snapped, Ingeld pressed the trigger, firing four shots at the creature. Three of them missed, but the fourth scraped its back leg. Acklay screeched, retreating for a second. Ingeld activated the accelerator, quickly getting into the beast's line of sight. He fired four more rounds. The blast fire barely penetrated its thick skin but the burns enraged the Acklay, forcing it to momentarily forget its prey. The beast moved back a few steps, before letting out a roar and charging. Ingeld knew that it would soon cover the distance between it and his speeder, so he quickly glanced at Ira. "Finish with the crates, I'll try to lead it away!" With that, he slammed on the accelerators, letting his speeder drive right through the bushes. The Ackley screeched and followed, completely blinded by the rage and its memories of the past. Ingeld glanced back to make sure it was still following. "I can't believe I am doing this," he grumbled, before doing a sharp turn left. Judging by the rampaging sounds, the beast was right behind him. He could not risk trying to shoot it down again - he wouldn't dare to let his eyes off the terrain even for a moment, let alone enough to aim. Ingeld only had to hope that he will exhaust the creature before he ran out of fuel.

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