Shady places always give the warmest welcomes

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Despite not being able to see much, Ira actually managed to land the ship. It had been sketchy from the start, but they'd made it work. With some directional assistance from the captain.. After communicating with the ground, they'd been allowed to put the ship down in a mechanic's hangar. The crew would be stranded on Umbara until they'd fixed the multitude of problems.

The padawan spun around in her chair like a giddy child. Yet another happy landing! She popped out of her seat, mock saluted the captain, and left the bridge. There was no need to announce where she was off to. Scout the perimeter, locate shops and taverns, and basically map out the area.

She grabbed her brown cloak, and made sure to bring her identification this time, in order to avoid another one of those situations.. Hallis was surprisingly not found in the hangar, he'd seemingly just left to do something else on the ship. She found herself standing in the entrance, BD on her heels, staff flung over her shoulder, goggles on.. The area around them was lit, but not well enough for her liking. Again, her goggles didn't do much. She used the force in an attempt to get a feel for her surroundings. The maintenance crew were on their way over.

The settlement was the size of a small town. It somewhat reminded her of "the Works", back on Coruscant. It had been an industrial district back in the day, once a manufacturing powerhouse known throughout the galaxy. Undoubtedly under imperial control, like everything else.. Everything was made of metal and alloy, furnaces and fumes, broken pipes and rust riddled the surrounding area.

The hangar itself was a mess, littered with all kinds of metallic junk. The streets beyond that, she'd expect to be worse. She would've ventured out on her own.. But with Ingeld around, she wouldn't mind the company.


Ingeld caught the word before Ira smoothly changed it to 'descent' and softly snorted. He didn't press it, thinking that it was fair enough - he probably wouldn't have enjoyed, if somebody questioned his capability to do something either. Instead, he glanced at the window just in time to see space and light merge as the ship jumped into hyperspace. The Keshiri remained at the back of the bridge, despite growing nausea. This was another reason why he didn't enjoy travelling in anything smaller than a large cruiser. In a world where space travel was vital, admitting that your flight-related vestibular system could not boast of much strength was plain embarrassing. Ingeld took out a simple flask that he made a habit of carrying with him and took a swing, feeling the burning liquid slid down his throat. It didn't taste like much, but he felt nausea ease up and eventually pass. 

Ingeld remained at the back, listening to the occasional bickering between Vyce and Ira but did not bother to strike a conversation at this point, only occasionally glancing at the space around them with masked worry. With all due respect to Ira's talents, he wasn't willing to leave the bridge just to be left in the unknown about their current status. However, as Ira was landing the ship, Ingeld slipped away feeling like there was no use for him to mingle in the background. It looked like Ira could still handle the ship despite her lack of darkvision. And even if something went wrong, there was Vyce on the standby, literally itching to take control of the ship if anything went wrong. In other words, Ingeld could do very little there but offer emotional support - which frankly would probably end in a disaster if he tried anyway. .

Ingeld found his dorm quickly enough, already used to the Corellian freighter. It now seemed much smaller even. He may not have enjoyed flight as much, but it did not change the fact that he could get a grasp of his surroundings pretty quickly. Ingeld slipped through the door. He could, of course, remain at the ship and help with the repairs, but then he would be risking questions from the crew about the little 'event' with the scraped speeders. He would much rather go scout the area rather than stay here. Ingeld glanced at his supplies. He really shouldn't grumble about what had happened. Things could have ended much worse. Although despite all the training and battles he had been through in the clone wars, he would much rather make an effort to avoid angering Brie. Ingeld snorted to himself and clasped a portable module to his left arm. It was directly linked to his datapad instead of being a computer all on its own, and this allowed Ingeld to store and use way more processing power without the need to carry the bulky datapad. He grabbed a long black coat and was about to exit when something stopped him at the door. 

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