A mutual understanding

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A stranger approached the table, offering his services. She examined him as he spoke, but due to her poor hapen vision in this lighting all she could make out was his figure and vague details in the man's face. It was driving driving her nuts.

"Splendid! Please sit, my good man!" The captain smiled gesturing for him to take a seat. He slid Ira's untouched drink to the mercenary. Ira snapped her fingers and pointed to the man, the droid chirped and shone a spotlight on him. "Hmm, purple. Keshiri.." She concluded, mainly speaking to herself. She gave him a nod, before having the droid disengage the light.

"You sure just spared us a great deal of time in finding someone up for the task. I'm sure we can take you to your destination when the job's done.." Vyce continued on babbling, proceeding to introduce himself and them, the crew, more details on the mission, and whatnot. Just to get it out there. Apparently they were going to pick up the goods on Felucia of all places, and deliver it to someone on Corellia, now an imperial shipyard. The place was crawling with imps. Things could go wrong fast, if they were discovered with so much spice. Again, Ira zoned out of the conversation.

The sensation was stronger than ever. This spiked her interest immensely, but she knew to be weary of it. There was no other explication other than that he was the source. And indeed she sensed force surrounding this man. She hadn't felt others connected to the force in such a way, in a long time. Focusing more intently, she could sense the force encapsulated around the cyber crystals he was carrying. Faint, but there was no mistaking them for what they were. He must be a jedi of some kind. If so, she'd never met him.. How did he survive the purge? Ira was unsure on how to handle the situation. Obviously she wasn't about to out him in the open right off the bat.. Better proceed with caution.

"We would be leaving tomorrow, we need to stock up on supplies for the journey. Brie and I will get to that right away. In the meantime Ira can take you to our ship and show you the ropes." Vyce said and took a swig of his drink. A brief look of panic flashed over her face once she realized she'd be paired with him so quickly. She'd barely had time to process his very existence, and was not prepared to interact with him on her own so soon. She needed time to wrap her head around this.

"Objection!" Ira quickly objected. "Brie needs to fix lil bud, AND she better suited to show him around. Besides I need to have a word with you, captain.. about that ship you mentioned."

"Thooought you weren't interested in that.. but Fine." The Kalleran shrugged and finished his drink. "Let's get to it." They all got up, leaving the droid with Brie, before following Vyce out the door. Safe from confrontation, for now.


The Keshiri accepted the offer, sitting down and taking the drink. It was a barely noticeable move, but before taking a sip the former jedi took a sniff of the drink and only then he drank. Even though the group seemed fairly friendly, the five years of bounty work had taught him caution even with what seemed like friends.

Ingeld blinked a few times to adjust his eyes when a sudden flash of light blinded him. He did not react when the young woman took a few seconds to take a look at his face. So, a Hapen then... Once the lighting had been disabled, the man took a few moments himself to look over the crew, while listening to the introduction and taking careful sips from his cup. Who seemed like the captain of the group, Vyce, was Kalleran and the other one a Togruta.

Ingeld did not spend any more time looking at Ira. He had gained all the information he needed without looking. Two Force users and potentially jedi travelling together was a risk that Ingeld would not have normally taken.

All kinds of problems will and can arise, especially if the hapen was able to tell if he was a 'fellow' Force user. But it was far too late to back out of the deal and it did not change the fact that Ingeld was still ride-less and homeless. Nevertheless, even though all kinds of thoughts swirled in his head, Ingeld managed to listen and politely nod, only occasionally saying something perhaps more in his character. Ingeld cast aside the thoughts of the Force and instead translated his attention to the task ahead. Smuggling spice into Corellia's imperial shipyard was not an easy task, but it seemed like this team was more than able to handle it, so it was not looking like a completely hopeless ordeal. Hopefully the whole thing would go smoothly without complications and he would be on his way.

When Vyce had finished, Ingeld was about to say something himself but the Hapen, Ira, quickly interjected. Ingeld took a moment to glance at her, his glance quick but quite thoughtful. He made an educated guess that she knew who he was. To be frank, this was not the most delicate situation that Ingeld had to handle on his travels. Perhaps more personal, but far from being the hardest.

If the other one was avoiding confrontation or perhaps conspiring behind his back it was fine with him. He would be on his way when this was all over, so hopefully this encounter would go smoothly. Like Ingeld did every time, he approached the problem with a cool and calculative approach, hiding any emotions deep down. Nevertheless, a hint of curiosity did resurface, even though the former jedi was quick to not give in to it. He had a clear task ahead of him, and that gave him confidence in his own powers to revert any catastrophes such circumstances could cause.

Ingeld stood up from his chair with the others, leaving the almost empty drink behind. He was only left to hope that there was nothing in it after all.

"Alright then, the job suites me quite fine. We indeed should get to it." There was certain eccentricity that Ingeld spoke with which quite clearly set apart him from other, more scruffy mercs. Ingeld noted that Ira was going to speak with the captain.

He quickly calculated the chances and gave the hapen a deliberate glare, cautioning her not to do anything foolish. He made sure that the 'warning' was given behind the others' backs. Ingeld had no idea whether her comrades knew about her Force-sensitivity but Ingeld had kept his secret from everybody and was intent on continuing to do so.

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