Welcome to the jungle

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Ingeld listened to the instructions. It looked like the job would be easy. At least this wouldn't be complicated. It seemed the harder part would be afterwards, getting the spice into the empire-infested planet. Ingeld checked his blaster that was clipped to his belt. It was your average blaster, perhaps only slightly nicer than normal. Ingeld was able to get his hands on it right after its production and since then did not part with it. 

He had become accustomed to getting around without his lightsabers, using the ranged weapon instead. Though he kept the jedi weapons on his person, just in case. He studied the blue speeder. He may not be a spaceship pilot, but he certainly knew how to drive one. He tightened the thin transparent rubber band on his silver hair, knowing all too well that this thing tended to come off at the least convenient moments.

"Of course," he said, walking up to the speeder, looking it over discreetly. After a few moments he seemed to be content with the machine. It seemed like it was not an average speeder issued by the Empire for their troops, having had multiple upgrades. He slid onto the seat, getting the feel of the controls. It looked like the machine had been through quite the adventures but remained state of the art technology. 

Seeing that Vyce and Brie had already started to move out on their larger speeder, Ingeld glanced at Ira, a slight grin slowly forming on his face. 

"For the record: you may be good at sitting in a comfortable chair and pressing buttons willy nilly, but I would seriously doubt anybody's ability to out-pilot me on a speeder." 

This was an outright challenge to race, spoken in Ingeld's crafty fashion. Without waiting any longer, he pressed on acceleration, the speeder instantly shooting forward. Ingeld took medium speed at first, trying out the controls and doing a few slight shifts in course, before surging on. As the surrounding landscape melted into one picture, he spared a glance back.


Ira raised her brow and scoffed as he spoke, rather surprised at his witty choice of words, but nonetheless intrigued. Guess great minds think alike. She and Hallis exchanged looks. BD trilled and jumped on to her lap, realising that that would be the safest place to be for the next upcoming minutes at least. She paused for a brief moment quite aware of his immediate departure, she tightened her grip around the handlebars, immersing herself in the low hum of the engine.. Then flooring the accelerator, leaving the ship's bay at an alarming speed in pursuit of the others. Naturally she had to slow way down once in the forest. 

Mushroom's of all shapes and sizes covered the landscape, accompanied by other exotic plants she didn't know the names of. She caught up with Ingeld, maintaining the same speed behind him. Tailgating him for a few minutes, analysing the competition to find out what she'd be up against.

He certainly knew how to handle himself. The first 100 meters were a breeze, one could maintain decent speed. But further inn, the vegetation had grown noticeably thicker. Sharper turns had to be done at lesser speeds. She felt the force all around her, such a peaceful harmony. She sensed a wide array of wildlife flourishing all around, some would demand more respect than others.. They would have to keep an eye out. Eventually she broke off his tail and searched for her own paths, she found a few good routs, none she could maintain though. As the vegetation cleared a bit, the hangar could be vaguely spotted from the last 200 meters on the flat surface. Relatively fine to venture through as well. She noted that there were a few jumps she could hit along the way, though probably not too wise to do with crates attached.. BD booped, and hopped on to the handlebars, as if he was a little puppy enjoying the breeze. She chuckled, adoring the little droid. Glancing over to Ingeld, he was a ways to her left. And a ahead of her!?

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