Chalpter Eighteen

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Okay so I'll be brining in some new characters I've obviously already added one. She plays as Harry's girlfriend and is a really sweet person. I already have someone playing as Niall's girlfriend that I'll be bringing in later on because I thought of a good way to bring her in. I still however need girls for Liam and Louis so if you're interested in being a part of the story and being one of the girls comment your name, what you look like, height, which boy, and if you'd like to be vampire or human in the story.

That is all.


Allison's P.O.V

I lied on the bed and waited for the boys to come back up with some good news, I hope. Harry was one of the nicest people I've ever met, all the boys were saints don't get me wrong but Harry was the kind of guy you just knew would be an amazing boyfriend. He was protective but not clingy, he was sweet and romantic but he knew how to be adventurous and fun, he was funny and smart but he could be serious and comfort you when you needed him. Whoever this girl was better know she had someone special. I felt like the luckiest person in the world to be able to call Zayn mine, she should feel that way about Harry. I was drifting off to sleep when I heard shouting coming from downstairs. Everything had been fine a minute ago so I'm guessing Harry has a lady friend, and the boys aren't to happy. I tip toed out of the room and snuck down the stairs quietly the shouting getting louder and clearer when I reached the bottom of the stairs. I looked around looking for the boys but found them no where in the living room, the kitchen. I shuffled over to the kitchen and pushed the door open quietly.

They were there. Harry sitting on top of the refrigerator with the boys shouting at him, except Zayn who had a worried and sad look on his face. What in the world was that boy doing up on the refrigerator?

"What were you thinking?!" Louis looked so angry, I had never seen him in any mood other than crazy.

"Do you realize the danger you've put everyone in!" Niall was shouting but he seemed more scared than angry.

"We've been surviving for years and you might blow it all away over some girl you just met?!" Liam crossed his arms glaring up at the curly haired boy with tears staining his face.

I've never seen Harry cry, and after seeing him cry now I honestly never want to see him cry ever again.

"Boys maybe there's a reason he told her. He knows how important it is to stay hidden and he wouldn't just tell anyone unless he felt it was really necessary." Zayn spoke up dropping his arms to his sides and standing in front on the refrigerator.

"Zayn you know that no matter what we can't let that just get out! It could get us k-" Niall was walking up to him when he got cut off.

"I know what could happen! But look at him! When have you ever seen him like this? This isn't just some girl to him, just give him a chance?" Zayn held Niall back and the rest of the boys only seemed to get angrier.

They all started shouting again, of course leaving Zayn out with the look of pure annoyance on his face. Harry had his knees pulled up to his chest and his head in his hands, I could see his body shaking from the tears I was sure were falling from his eyes yet again. They were all so loud, the poor boy must've felt like dropping the fridge on them just to make them shut up, it's what I felt like doing at least.

"Boys?" I asked looking around at them who just kept shouting.

"Boys." I said sternly crossing my arms. I went unheard and everything continued. Now I was mad.

"All of you shut up!" I shouted and everything went dead silent.

I looked around and mentally patted myself on the back finally getting their attention. They were all looking at me even Harry, his eyes redder than before and it just broke my heart.

"Why the hell are you all giving my curly such a hard time?" I walked over and sat on the counter next to the fridge trying to get closer to Harry.

"It's just an issue that we've explained plenty of times shouldn't happen." Liam spoke up looking over to me his eyes softer but anger still clear in them.

"He isn't a little kid that you all have to babysit, he's obviously happy with her, he wouldn't be acting that way if he wasn't. If Zayn had done the same thing Harry did with me, would you all do this to him?" I asked eyeing them each carefully watching their faces soften.

"That's what I thought, maybe he's made mistakes in the past before, but people change, he deserves another chance. He needs his brothers to be there and give it to him." I stood up on the counter and ran my fingers through his hair. He was shaking and he was trying to catch his breath but small sobs still managed to escape his mouth. How could they do this to him? They've broken his down completely when he needed them most.

"Come down boo." Louis sighed looking up at him.

Harry only shook his head and backed up further towards the wall behind the fridge but kept close to me.

"We're sorry mate, she's right. We should give you a chance." Niall frowned finally realizing what they had done to him.

"It wasn't right of us to think you would automatically mess up, you never did that with us." Liam looked down and avoided the lads gaze which was glossy and red with tears.

"Come down, please?" Zayn turned around and faced him, hurt flashed over his face when he can't sit of the broken boy.

"Come on, I'll stay with you if you want?" I let my hand slip from his curls and held it out for him to take.

He looked down at each of the boys for a short second and then to my hand. He reached over slowly and took it carefully climbing down from the fridge and onto the counter. I hopped off still holding onto his hand and he soon joined me. He leaned back against the counter and looked down to his feet pulling me to him and avoiding the look from the boys. In a second we were all in a group hug. I thought my insides would explode but I didn't care, I felt happy at the same time. Harry was wrapped up by all the boys and me hugging his waist, he smiled a little and looked up slightly from under his curls.

"Come on. Where are those dimples we all knows and love." Louis smiled poking the sides of his cheeks where his dimples normally where. Soon enough his fingers sunk into two dimples popping into his cheeks. He had a big smile and he was instantly a different person. I never wanted to see him the way he was five seconds ago for the rest of my life, I couldn't bare it. We were all enjoying the moment when it was interrupted, by his phone ringing. He looked down and pulled it out of his pocket, you could see a small tint in his cheeks and he went to slide it back in his pocket. Zayn stopped him.

"Like I said before, bring her here." he smiled and kicked Harry out of the hug and out the door. He only laughed and answered his phone quickly. We watched him through the glass doors. The twinkle in his eyes, the widest smile possible with the deepest dimples, the nervous look on his face when I assume he was asking her to come, and the fireworks when he hung up and smiled.

She was coming.

Sorry it was short! I have so much going on right now, I promise the next one will be longer and with a new character things will be happening.

Unbroken: A Zayn Malik FanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang