Chapter Thirty Eight

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Zayn's P.O.V

"Bri it's been two days! Two days!" I shouted running my fingers roughly trough my hair tugging at the ends.

"Yeah I know that Sherlock but it isn't exactly easy tracking someone when you have 'no' idea where they went in the first place!" She snapped back crossing her arms over her chest.

"I don't have the mind, patience, or time to deal with your sarcasm right now! All I want is to find Allison!" I growled through clenched teeth desperately trying to keep my control.

"I understand that, really I do but reacting like this isn't going to get us any closer to her." She sighed dropping her arms at her sides looking around.

"Brianna, it's been two days, 48 hours. 72 if you count the day they took her. I can't keep calm anymore, I can't keep in one piece. She could be dead for all I know!" I cried out feeling the all too familiar sting coming to my eyes.

She sighed quickly walking over wrapping her arms tightly around me. I draped my arms over her lying my forehead against the top of her head.

"I'm sorry I've been giving you attitude. It's just kind of how I keep from getting too sad and losing myself, you know?" She shrugged looking up at me before slowly dropping her arms.

"It's fine, I didnt mean to snap at you. I just, I can't help but worry. She's my life Bri, shes everything to me. She's my last reason to keep going and if anything happens to her, I don't know what ill do." I shook my head slightly speaking the words almost in a breath. I looked down at my feet and kicked the dirt beneath my shoes.

I had no idea where we were. I haven't known where we were since we left the cabin. I just went with the directions Brianna gave me and followed my heart. I swore I could feel when I was getting closer to her, really I could but, we just weren't getting anywhere.

"Nothing will happen to her. I promise you we'll get her back and when we do ill personally make sure that not one of them if left standing to lay a hand on her." She nodded quickly looking up at the sun and where we stood.

"If we keep going that way we'll be fine." She pointed straight forward from where we were blocking the sun from her eyes with her free hand.

"I read hope we're working on something here." I sighed and knelt down letting her climb onto my back.

What used to be an awkward long process is now nothing but routine. We stop look around, measure and keep going.

I kept Allison out of my mind as much as I could. I couldn't bare to think of what condition she was in, I didnt want to. All I wanted was to have her in my arms again, to be able to hold her and tell her that nothing bad will ever happen again. I felt terrible for breaking my promise. I promised her I would never let anything happen to her, and here I was. Hunting her and the two vampires that kidnapped her from state to state. It didnt matter to me how much I had to run, I didnt care how much I would have to work.

I will find her.

Allison's P.O.V

It's been two days now. Too long, painful, heartbreaking days. Each day those men kept their promise. Each day they would come in with their blades and beat me, slicing any part of my body they felt like that day. I've passed out twice from loss of blood, the chains at this point have dug well into my wrists. I felt the blood tickle and run down my arms whenever I move and opened up a wound again. My hair was matted from dried blood I had in it from a blow to the head one ha given me the day before. My stomach was bruised a deep purple almost black, my ankles were burned and ached from the tight chains that bound them together as well. My clothes were torn and blood stained revealing the rest of my body and the countless bruises and cuts thats decorated it. Healing scars and newer still bleeding cuts covered random parts of my body as well. I was always cold now, day or night I was cold. The nights were unbearable. The steel walls that surrounded me provided no heat whats so ever and with the cold breeze that blew in endlessly didn't help.

Unbroken: A Zayn Malik FanfictionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant