Chapter Thirty-One

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Zayn's P.O.V

I woke up the next morning to a warmth wrapped around my waist. I groaned and lifted my palms to my eyes rubbing away the sleepy haze that covered them. I blinked a couple times gaining my focus and looked down to see the warmth wrapped around me was Allison's arm.

The memories from last night flashed into my head and as much as I tried biting back the smile that threatened to slip I couldn't hold it. She stirred and lied her head on my chest keeping the blankets wrapped tightly around her body.

I had never thought I would do anything as far as I did with Allison. After the night I was attacked I truly thought I would live the rest of my existence alone, I was worried if I couldn't control myself around her. Last night was the best night of my existence by far, even with the constant struggle I had to not hurt her.

I sat up on my elbows careful not to disturb Allison who happily continued sleeping. I took in the room around me and couldn't help but laugh to myself.

Fixing this room would be the same as buying a new car.

The sheets were ripped and scattered all around the bed except the one draped over us, the pillows didnt even look like pillows anymore. They had enormous gashes in them causing the stuffing and feathers in them to pop out and float around the room each time the air conditioning kicked in. There were about three or four holes in the walls scattered around the room, one beside the door, one next to the small bedside table, one next to the bed, and one that was actually each of my fingers clawed into the wall digging holes into it by the balcony door. Each place where Allison had driven me completely to breaking point. The small table had scratches and cracks dug deeply into it with everything that had previously been on top of it was now sprawled all over the ground, along the headboard that was now in pieces. Chunks had literally been ripped out of it and were tossed around the right side of the bed where I most likely subconsciously threw them. Our clothes were in a pile in front of the bed however hers wouldn't not be able to be worn again unless she planned on sewing them back together. It was either the room or her, the room was less valuable to me.

I chuckled and slipped out from under her carefully lying a pillow that was still half way decent beside her. She stirred and I stood quietly next to the bed but she simply hugged the pillow and curled up under the blanket. I smiled and leaned over pressing a soft kiss to her temple before walking over and collecting my clothes, some torn some not. I walked over and pulled open the drawer causing the small table to buckle and collapse snapping one of the legs.


I looked over at Allison who only turned over hugging the blanket to her chest.

I sighed and opened the the drawer a bit more carefully this time and pulled out clean clothes.

Tip toeing into the bathroom I shut the door quietly behind me and started the water in the shower. Tossing the both of our clothes in a basket I lied my clean ones on the counter. I leaned over the sink and hung my head down before running my hands quickly over my face and looking up.

My hair was an absolute mess. It was tousled all over the place, even feathers and pillow stuffing caught in some parts of it. I had a small bruise on the base of my neck and smiled at how innocent it was when she reached her breaking point. She reaches breaking point and I get a little hickey, I reach breaking point and well, the room looks like a twister literally went through it. I sighed and stepped into the shower when I saw fog starting to cover the mirror.

After my shower I got dressed in only a pair of briefs with my grey sweatpants over them. It was hot and I didnt feel like putting on my shirt yet, not until I cooled off a little at least. I fixed my hair up making sure there were no feathers or stuffing caught in it anymore and stepped out quietly looking around.

Unbroken: A Zayn Malik FanfictionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant