robert plant - reality. tw: su!cide

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"robert!" i yelled, trying to catch up with him through the pouring rain.

he spun around, his golden curls bouncing along.

"y/n?" he questioned, looking at me as if i was a stranger.

considerably, i was a stranger to him now. we were best friends in high school, but we drifted apart once the band he's in got famous. led zeppelin.

in fact, i was friends with all of them, i just knew robert the longest.

if i wasn't looking in front of me, i wouldn't of seen him.

but, since i did, it was worth it to talk to him. i couldn't mistake those golden locks for anyone else's.

though, my heart sunk once our eyes finally met. years of friendship was soon burned into ashes in the span of three months. not to mention the raging crush i had on him for seven years.

hesitantly, he walked over to me.

i couldn't tell if he was just being polite or actually wanted to talk to me.

"how're you doing?" he chuckled lightly, giving me one of his infamous smiles.

i shrugged, "could be better."

i was always an artist growing up with the occasional guitar, but i didn't get anywhere in the world with it.

unlike jimmy and the rest of the lot.

his face turned into one of confusion, "what do you mean? you're paintings never got recognized?"

i slowly shook my head, "nah, never were too good anyway. didn't really have a backup plan."

"i'm sorry about that."

"it's not your fault, i just should've chosen something more successful."

he frowned, awkwardly looking down to the side, "y'know, only reason we're known is 'cause of luck."

i laughed, "i know. plus, jimmy knew people."

"that's true."

there was an awkward silence between us. something that would've never happened a few years ago.

"so, where do you live now?" robert asked.

"just in a small flat... might get kicked out soon since i can't pay rent."

"can't you stay with your parents?"

"that's the thing. they aren't...they aren't around anymore."

"that's horrible, gosh-"

i cut him off, "i know, but you can't change how things happen."

"i suppose so."

he checked his watch, "i gotta go now, y/n. i'm probably late for dinner. just ring me up or something, yeah?"

my chest turned, i wanted to talk to him more. i longed just to have a conversation with someone again.

"yeah, i will. bye robert." i waved, much to my dismay.

"bye bye."

with that, we walked our separate ways.

i had no clue if we'd actually keep in contact or not. i wouldn't be near a phone anytime soon, due to my rent problems. he'd probably forget this occurrence even happened.

it made me lose hope. i just wanted someone to talk to.

i wanted my friend back, the person i had confided in for so many years. the person i trusted and adored.

i didn't want him to slip through my fingers like liquid gold.


"you won't believe who i saw today." robert spoke, shoving open the door to the studio.

"who exactly did you see?" jonesy asked, raising his brow.

it perked the attention of bonzo and jimmy too.

"i saw y/n!" robert beamed.

"really? i thought she dropped of the face of the earth once we graduated-" bonzo said, shocked.

"how is she? is she doing well?" jimmy finally asked, mixing something into his tea.

"she...i don't know. she didn't look that healthy. like, she looked way skinnier and pale. she might get kicked out of her place soon as well..." robert sighed.

jimmy looked bewildered, "you mean, she didn't make money for her paintings?"

robert shook his head.

"what does she do then...?" jonesy asked with a look of concern on his face.

robert sat down, "i don't know, i told her i had to leave. it was just too sad seeing her like that."

"i told her she could call sometime, but i don't know if she will." robert continued.

"mate, you've probably lost her forever now." bonzo sighed, taking a sip of his tea.

"what do you mean?" robert questioned.

jonesy cleared his throat, "the poor girl has loved you since forever. she probably wanted to talk more."

jimmy hit his arm, "you weren't supposed to let him know that!" he whisper-yelled.

robert felt his stomach drop. he instantly regretted not talking to her more earlier. he should've known, she always needed someone there for her.

but, he just abandoned her just like that. no future ahead and no clear path to take for her.

he should've taken her under his wing and treated her like a goddess.

robert missed the last opportunity the universe gave him.


alt. ending

"you won't believe who i saw today." robert spoke, shoving open the door to the studio.

"who exactly did you see?" jonesy asked, raising his brow.

it perked the attention of bonzo and jimmy too.

"i saw y/n!" robert beamed.

bonzo and jonesy's grins dropped.

jimmy sighed, a frown on his face.

the whole room seemed to be much darker.

" know y/n died a few months ago." jimmy spoke, dread laced in his voice.

with that, robert was reminded of the pain that had been weighing down his heart.

he fell apart right there, in front of the studio's door.

all the cheesy love songs he had wrote for her would never be heard by her.

all the memories they could've been sharing were now wasted opportunities.

all the dreams and hopes he had planned out with her were gone.

all because he pursued his dream without her, the person he promised he'd do everything with.

she had killed herself earlier that year.

robert read the note that was addressed to him. she specifically said how it could never be his fault for anything. yet, he still felt completely guilty.

so now, robert was held hostage with his mind.

his mind that still pictured her on this earth, living and breathing every moment with him.

what is and what should have been.

an:  this is old and i was feeling wack lmao - anyways not beta read i guess

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