led zeppelin gc - part 5.

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an: i never finished this part. i don't plan on finishing it. this is basically the end of this gc thing lol.  cw:  slight abu$e

weeks passed.

weeks passed since robert had had private time for himself.

since he's used his wonderful voice.

since he's had his entertaining chats with his friends.

the only time he really saw them was at school, lunch mainly.

they always made sure to check up on him because they were good to him like that.

they brought him anything he needed that he couldn't get.

they were too good for a person like him. someone that was basically confined to his house; his parents watching him like a hawk.

it confused him, didn't they have anything better to do? don't they have anything else to occupy themselves with rather then watch the poor boy?

it made him feel worse about himself. was he really that bad and unruly?

it was just his parents and their strict ways, his reasonable voice would tell him.

but, his doubt always conquered.

once the fifth day in the third week reached, that's when chaos struck.

his parents finally had enough; they went through his phone.

they were mad, disappointed, just any sort of pissed you can think of.

"so, not only do you drink, you do those horrible drugs? pardon my language, but jesus, these friends of yours are horrible influences! i thought we taught you better to choose good friends! didn't we, honey?" his mom turned her head to her husband.

"i thought we did. guess we didn't get through to him. you know what robert? you can pack your shit up and leave. we're done trying to get through with you. leave our house and never come back unless you're on your knees praying to the Lord." his father yelled, glaring down at robert.

robert's mind felt like it froze.
he was happy he would be able to leave, but at the same time he felt like he was just betrayed.

or was it him that betrayed his parents?

he really never knew for sure.

robert had just lost the people that were suppose to raise him with such affection, but did it so wrongly.

he felt so utterly lost.

with new tears flowing down his face, he ran up to his room. he packed almost anything he could in his two dufflebags and backpack. it took a while, but once he was done his room was almost entirely empty.

he never had much stuff anyways.

once robert stumbled down the stairs with his heavy bags, he saw his phone on the counter. he snatched it instantly, not risking losing it.

"never come back here, you absolute mistake!" his mother said enraged, her fists paled.

"robert, come here now." his father demanded.

his tone scared robert. he felt like he was instantly drenched in cold water.

he dropped his bags at the front door, even though he didn't want to.

his father approached him too slowly for robert's liking. once he was rather close, he shoved robert against the door.

robert's back slammed against the door harshly. as he tried to regain his posture, his father struck him once more.

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