jimmy page - overpour.

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two friends separated too soon.  friends that created dozens of mindless fantasies together.  friends that wanted to experience the world together.

but he just had to move away, didn't he?  his dad just had to get a job that was twenty hours north.

and then, they never saw each other ever again.

maybe that was just the way it oughta stay.  letters that were never responded to.  phone calls that were disconnected too soon.  it just couldn't work.

so here i sit at a bar, broke with no reason to keep going.

the only things the fills my mind is the heartfelt memories we shared as kids.  the memories that seem too good to be true. 

the places we went that had endless rows of flowers.  whether they lie in someones hair or on a hill, they bloomed the same.  the music store that he would spend every last piece of quid he had on their guitar items.

they all seemed sereal and  careless.  we were just kids afterall, i guess.

i took small sips out of my drink.  the scent of pathchouli seeming much too strong.

the radio boomed, the people in the bar only dancing more.

"and from the yardbirds, train kept a rollin'!"

the yardbirds.  that's the band he's in, isn't it? 

his name is everywhere.  "jimmy page, next best thing?"  jimmy page this jimmy that, maybe even a nice photo here and there. 

he was always bound for success.  he was even on tv at just 15.  gosh, the first thing he did was hug me.  i was waiting in the back room and he was just instantly there.

that glimmer in his eyes, one that held truth.  knowledge even.  he knew he would become something, someday.

well, i guess that someday came.

i was supposed to be with him through all of it, but it's not that easy.  is it?

i sighed, the crowd of people being too happy for my own personal preference.  i slid whatever money i had on the counter and left.

it was a gloomy day.  it always felt gloomy ever since he left though. 

the fields of flowers didn't spark the same shade of color they once did.  the sky didn't have clouds that seemed too fake to be real.  the stores didn't have that sweet aroma of mischief anymore.

nothing was the same when he left.  it was as if the color had just drained itself from this place.

the posters of him and the band he was in were everywhere.  they just all looked so dull, even if he was smiling happily.

maybe if this was a few years ago they would've been shining through my eyes.  i would've ripped one off the wall and taken it home to show him.  we would've squealed like children and dance around the house.

but, jimmy's not here anymore.  he's probably in the states, clad in velour pants that he would've never been able to afford a few years back.

i sighed, staring at the cars that passed by.  all such bright colors, but none of them seeming real.

i walked by the old music store we used to go to.  still booming with business since it was the best one around.  there seemed to be more people in it than usual though.

i decided to go inside the nostalgic store, the fresh scent of wood greeting me.

instantly, i went to the shelves with all the guitar strings.

jimmy carved our initials into the wall next to the shelves, as cheesy as it sounds.  he did it with a pick he sharpened on purpose. 

our initials were still there, seeming as new as ever.  guess the old man never found out.

i grazed my finger over the carving, smiling to myself.  it's already been engraved here for seven years.

as i was about to turn around, footsteps were approaching this area.

i turned my head, catching a glance at this tall man.

skinny as hell, velour pants, and a white shirt.  big and poofy, curly black hair with pale skin.

interesting looking guy, i thought to myself.

i finally met his eyes, giving him a shy smile.  he returned the smile, soon picking at guitar strings.

i took one last look at the engraving, soon walking away.

as i strolled to the opposite side of the store, i noticed the record section.

the records that jimmy and i spent so many hours scanning through.  the hours could probably be converted into days, honestly.

after some time, someone tapped at my shoulder.

i turned to face the stranger.  it was the guy from earlier.

now that i looked at his face, he did seem awfully familiar.  soft jaw, yet sharp.  a roundish nose, with cherry red lips to match.

and oh.  the same green eyes i used to stare into for hours.

"sorry, i'm not wanting to seem creepy, but you remind me of someone."  the man spoke, a soft and light accent following his voice.

that was the giveaway.  this was jimmy page.  the accent held no lies, and his eyes couldn't hide.

yet, i still questioned myself, "jimmy?"

he nodded, "y/n?"

i grinned, quick to wrap my arms around him.

a sigh of relief escaped his lips, his arms soon reciprocating my grasp.

we stayed there in each other's embrace for too long.  enough to get people to clear their throats when they passed by us.

tears had escaped my eyes as i pulled away from him. 

his beautiful sage eyes had tears escaping themselves too.

"god, i didn't think i'd see you again." 

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