led zeppelin gc - part 2.

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an: just thought i'd let you guys know these next few chapters of this gc thing having some fair content warnings. i decided to make robert kinda sad in these, just cause i vent through him lmao. ig the cw would be: depressive thoughts, verbally abus!ve parents, drugs, and cussing.  i wrote this whole ordeal like a month ago💀

greenday is online!

greenday: GOOD MORNING

bASS is online!

bASS: jesus christ bonzo why are you yelling

greenday: idk i had a monster

greenday has changed their nickname to monster energy drink!

bASS: which one?

monster energy drink: the uh pipeline punch
monster energy drink: the pink one

bASS: good choice

les paul's husband is online!

monster energy drink: oh no the demon has awoken

les paul's husband: i have came

monster energy drink: uh tmi my guy

bASS: ayo📸
bASS: wait isn't that a line from a movie

bASS has changed les paul's husband's nickname to pinhead!

bASS: that's the character from hellraiser

pinhead: wow
pinhead: i feel like patrick in that one episode
pinhead: "who you calling pinhead?"

monster energy drink: that episode is a classic don't even

bASS: fr fr
bASS: where's robert?

monster energy drink: who knows
monster energy drink: i could look into his window but that's a bit suspicious

pinhead: just a bit
pinhead: @rat

bASS: @rat

monster energy drink: @rat
monster energy drink: jesus christ it's almost noon he's normally awake

bASS: maybe he stole some of jimmy's alcohol lmao

pinhead: he hasn't gone to my house recently

monster energy drink: same and he used to come by everyday

bASS: i just don't let you guys in my house

monster energy drink: we know

pinhead: we know

bASS: good
bASS: anyways is he okay?

pinhead: idfk he's been distant

monster enery drink: yeah he considerably has been in all the years i've known him

bASS: maybe we should check up on him?

pinhead: maybe but not me idk how to deal with that

bASS: wow so edgy

pinhead: stfu onion jacket

bASS: it's a good jacket jimmy🤼‍♂️

pinhead has changed bASS' name to onion!

onion: ok then

pinhead: cry about it

monster energy drink: hold on

drummerboy has made a new group chat with johnpornjonesy and lespauliswifey!

drummerboy: okay excuse this but i don't think robert's alright

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