led zeppelin gc - part 4.

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an:  damn i really said,,, angst sweetie, angst.

7:43am [the cult]

gaslight victim has changed their username to gold!

gold:  guys once i get home don't use this gc  make a different one and use that for the time being

jimjam:  ok sounds good
jimjam:  how are you feeling?

gold:  really stressed
gold:  my mind is running wild

jimjam:  i have this drink thing that helps with headaches
jimjam:  it's not alcohol so don't worry

gold:  can you bring it please

jimjam:  of course

gold:  thank you i'm gonna go with jonesy now
gold:  see you

jimjam:  see ya robert

gold is now offline!

jimjam is now offline!

john and robert walked to school, since it was a 10 minute walk.

"robert, in case there's like an emergency and you just have to leave, here's this."  john gave robert something that looked like a car toy.

"what is it?"  robert asked, his voice tired.

"it's a burner phone.  it would keep track of anything basically and it's easy to hide.  just use it incase something happens." 

"oh ok, thank you."

john hummed in acknowledgment.

hours passed and they were all suddenly in their 5th class of the day.

12:58pm [blue eyed legends] - robert and jonesy's chat

robert:  hey can you come to the bathroom or something

jonesy:  which one?

robert:  the one in the junjor hallway

jonesy:  ok i'll be right there


john walked into the bathroom, looking for any sign of robert.

eventually, he found him standing against the stall door, head in hands.

"robert?"  john questioned, peeking around the corner.

"john, i'm scared.  my heart is pounding really fast and i feel dizzy."   robert said in shorts gasps.

"ok, let me lock the door real quick." 

once he did, he jogged back to robert who looked very distraught.

"here, let's sit down on the counter." john said.

they moved to the counter where the sinks were.

"are you anxious because you're going home soon?" 

robert nodded, gripping his forearms.

"ok...try to take deep breaths like you did last night."

it wasn't working as easily.

"here, look at me."  john told robert, to which the latter followed.

john took hold of robert's arms after making sure it was ok, "when i breathe in, you do the sams, yeah?  then vice versa?"

robert nodded once more, "ok."

they did that for a few minutes and robert seemed to have calmed down.

"what class are you in right now?"  john asked.

"it's my free period."

at least that was progress.  earlier he couldn't even mumble something out.

"do you feel more relaxed?" 

"a bit."

john sighed, "hold on."

he quickly messaged jimmy to get his ass down there.

there was a silence between the two for some time.

suddenly, jimmy knocked on the door.

john unlocked it, instantly met with jimmy's black locks.

"hey robert."  jimmy gave him a slight wave.

"hi jimmy." 

there was a pause in time it seemed before john spoke up.

"listen robert, i never really get to say this, none of us do, but you're such a kind person.  i don't know if you realize that  or not, but you're one of the most genuine people i know."  john paused, looking up at robert.

robert's mouth was agape, as if lost at what to say. 

the blonde shook his head, "no- no i'm not.  i'm really not."

"robert, i don't know who told you you aren't, but you are.  you need to fucking realize that.  you don't deserve to be treated the way you do."  jimmy added.

jimmy sighed, "your mom is just an asshole who's jealous she didn't get to use her voice for anything good." 

robert snickered at that, "i mean, you have a point there."  he said quietly.

john, robert, and jimmy eventually started talking about more lighthearted things.  after some time, they all went back to class.  even though they took a suspiciously long time in the rest room.

once school got out, the four all met up and talked.

they had a whole backup plan incase robert's parents pushed things too far.

"always run over to mine."  bonzo finished out the conversation.

with that, they all split up, going their separate ways.  even though robert and bonzo lived next to each other, his mom didn't want robert seeing his friend.

once robert stepped into his house, he gave up his phone to his parents and sat in the living room and did homework.

that's all he'd be doing for a while probably.

4:16pm [groupchat with bonzo, jimmy, and jpj]

jimmy changed the group name to protection squad!

jimmy:  i feel like this is gonna be a very weird month or however long robert is grounded

bonzo:  my mom told me he's grounded for three weeks apparently but really restricted

jpj:  oh jesus these chats are gonna be bland
jpj:  no offense

jimmy: none taken

bonzo:  ^

jpj:  can you see what he's doing bonzo?

bonzo:  from my room i can only see his room and the kitchen
bonzo:  he's not in either

jimmy:  well his room is gonna be stranded anyways besides sleeping i hope

jpj:  that'll just be cruel if they make him sleep on the couch

bonzo:  yeah especially since his couch is so worn out

jpj:  we'll try our best

jimmy: yeah

bonzo:  i'll let you guys know if i see anything

jimmy:  ok

jpj:  sounds good

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