robert plant - one day you'll understand p.1

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robert plant.  the blue eyed blondie with one of the most majestic voices around.

also my boyfriend of eight years, now ex for one.

it hurt so bad seeing him walk into the bar every week.

we used to go to this bar together all the time, it's even where we met.  we created so many god forsaken memories here.

yet, that didn't seem to bother him.

only reason i still came here was because i needed a source of income.  i lost my old job once robert and i broke up.

i worked in the back, mainly due to not wanting to face the customers and their odd orders.

specifically robert and whatever woman he brought with him.

i'm not sure if he knows i work here, but if he does, screw him.

the pain i feel in my heart is unimaginable when i see him laughing with another girl.  when i see him sharing soft kisses with whoever his mistress for the night was.

all in the same worn out table in the back where we once sat together.

ever since we broke up, i couldn't find myself to date or love anyone.  i had it drilled into my mind that he was the one.  ever since 1967.

i caught myself staring at him for too long.  he must've felt it earlier since his eyes were stuck right onto mine.

my heart dropped with unease, quickly turning away and walking somewhere else.

"you've gotta get over him, you've gotta get over him!" i whispered to myself.

yet, my eyes still felt as if they were magnetically drawn to him.

i studied his body language, he was anxious right now.

fiddling with his hair and practically pushing himself into the table.  he used to do it rarely, but here he was now.

suddenly someone tapped my shoulder. 

"hey, i know you don't work this sevice but could you help those fellows back there?  about six of them, i think?"  my co-worker asked, already prepared to clock out.

i sighed, nodding.  "sure, take care of yourself."

he waved, soon vanishing off to the back.

this really wasn't the day i wanted to deal with robert, that girl, and the other band members.

the three of them were all quite concerned for me when we broke up.  i don't know what they did with robert.

i took a deep breath in, finally strolling on over to the spot i probably spent days at.

"what could i get for all of you?"  i asked with a shaky voice.

i guess it was jonesy to first notice it was me, or just the first to say anything.

"y/n?  is it really you?"  he asked, beer in hand.

"yep.  it's me."  i grabbed my other hand, popping the joints out of anxiousness.

i caught robert's glance at my hands, i know he knew exactly what it meant.

we had known quite everything about each other.  at least, that's what it felt like.

then, jimmy spoke.  "oh, y/n!  we haven't seen you in a while!  can you sit down for a bit?"  he smiled.

it was strange to think about how jimmy and i were such good friends before.  it seemed as if he still felt as if we were, but i wasn't sure about myself.  lack of communication, i suppose.

"i'd love to, but it's busy tonight.  i'm filling in for someone, this isn't my typical job.  i work in the back..."  i rambled, just wanting to get their orders.

then the girl, robert's date i suppose, ordered.

"could i get a margarita?"  she smiled, batting her fake eyelashes.

fake eyelashes and all, she was pretty.  extremely bony looking, dark blonde hair, green eyes...

"y/n?"  robert called out, my gaze snapping to his.

"right, sorry.  margarita, got it.  anything else?" 

"just some chips for myself too."  the girl asked.

i nodded, scribbling it down.

"could we just get some more beers?  maybe some 7-up too?"  bonzo requested, nodding towards jimmy.

jimmy's stomach never did well with the beer they like drinking.  7-up seemed to of made it better.

"mhm.  for you, robert?"  i asked lastly, keeping my eyes anywhere else but on him.

"uh... just a pint of the usual.  i'm sure you still know what it is?"  he questioned.

"your favorite beer with two shots of vodka."  i laughed at the thought of the concoction he drank so much, causing him laugh too.

the girl joined in, "you two have history?"  she giggled, her doe eyes staring at me now.

"i- yeah.  just old friends..." 

the three boys made jokingly painful "ouches" and "ooh's" at that.

robert reflected the pain i felt in his eyes and i instantly regretted it. 

my face burned on the verge of tears as it always did whenever robert walked in here.

"sorry, i'll get your stuff now."  i muttered, walking to the back.

i felt robert's blue eyes follow me like always, but could never keep a hold of me.

a/n:  i'm making a part two to this when i find motivation and a somewhat good plot

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