Chapter 2

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If you looked up the word ‘ostentatious’ in the dictionary, you would most likely find a picture of Bakugou Katsuki next to it.

He was quite literally and figuratively explosive, what with his surly disposition and his explosion quirk. He was short-tempered, extremely rude, loud, and proud of it.  He had the worst attitude in all of his class, and also probably the entirety of UA. He wanted to be number one, and it didn’t matter to him what anyone thought or who he stepped on to get there, so long as he came out on top.

His poor attitude was not exactly...ideal for someone trying to be a hero, and he really paid for that in his first year when he failed to get his hero license. He had treated the civilian actors poorly in the rescue portion of the provisional licensing exam, not to mention the fight he instigated with Todoroki due to their rivalry...and so he had failed.  Todoroki had failed as well, as he took Katsuki’s bait and fought with him, but this did nothing to console Katsuki. He had been furious, to say the least, as well as...ashamed. He had never felt such shame in his life, coming second to Deku, of all people. It almost crushed him, almost being the key word.

He and Todoroki - or Icy-Hot, as Katsuki derogatorily named him - had both spent the remainder of that year doing chores around the dorm in penance before they could retake the exam the summer before their second year.  This failure had taught Katsuki a lesson, but it was definitely not the one Aizawa intended to impart. He just needed to be ‘nice’ when he was doing his hero work, is all. It still didn’t matter how he treated the ‘extras’ in his class, or anyone else in school, for that matter.  Nobody mattered but him, as he was the best. He would one day surpass everyone to become the number one hero. All the extras should worship the very ground he walked on! A chibi Ground Zero clenched his fists and punched the air, little explosions lighting off for emphasis. At least, that was what played inside Katsuki’s head.

Little did he know, he would not always feel this way, but for now...that was Bakugou Katsuki in a nutshell.

At present, a small ways into his fourth year at UA, we would find our dearly belovéd King Explosion Murder returning to the class A dormitories from his morning run. Drenched in sweat and nitroglycerin, he used the towel around his neck to wipe his face, completely missing Jirou side-eyeing him as she exited the building.  He loved running...and training...and blowing stuff up. These were really the only times his mind was quiet, and he craved that peace more than anything. Yes, more than even being number one.

He sauntered into the empty kitchen and poured himself a cool glass of water, gulping it down quickly and eagerly.  Staying hydrated was important, almost as important as getting a good night’s sleep and staying fit. Katsuki had a strict regimen that he rarely deviated from. He needed to stay at pique form if he wanted to stay on top. He had no intentions of ever letting that slip away from him...again.  Fucking Deku, the annoying little twerp. And Icy-Hot, the smug bastard. At this point in his hero training, he had two Sports Festival wins under his belt, and he planned on ringing in another win for his final year at UA. He would never let those extras beat him!

He made his way upstairs, still a bit blissful from his run, and began to stretch.  Bending to touch his toes, his insecure thoughts started to creep back in.

‘Katsuki... Why do you bother? You’ll never be enough. You’ll always be runner up. You failed your first year, you’re third in your class academically... All Might chose someone else to be his successor, remember?  He chose DEKU, a weak little shit. You’re even weaker than him! Just give up, already. You’re just a hot-headed little boy with big, stupid dreams...Just give-’

‘SHUT UP!’ he shouted in his mind. Fucking voices would never give him peace. Fucking self-doubt. He’d show...himself! He’d be the best despite everything!

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