Chapter 8

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Late Saturday morning, Jirou's thumb hovered over the friend request button on Facebook, only to click away and close out of the app on her phone. It had been over two days since her and Bakugou kissed, but he still hadn't texted her. A few times in the past 60ish hours or so she had debated friending him on Facebook to see if he'd bite, but she kept thinking better of it. She didn't want to seem desperate.

The prick even refused to make eye contact with her in homeroom. When he came into class on Thursday morning, he proceeded to look anywhere but at her. At lunch, he glowered and ate in silence, ignoring her as usual. As if nothing had changed. As if...he didn't care about her at all. At first, she was sad...but when Friday rolled around with the same shit rinsed and repeated, she was practically fuming .

As for their shared friend group, well...they were thankfully quick on the uptake and just continued on as normal, though they all sent her pitying glances when they thought she wasn't looking. Jirou, for her part, tried her best to not let smoke come out of her ears, making sure to smile and laugh at all the appropriate times. If he wanted to play this game, fine. She'd play by his rules and ignore the shit out of him too...and she'd win. Screw him if he thought she'd cave and like... beg him to talk to her. Ew. Jirou was not that kind of girl.

She no longer second guessed if agreeing to fight him was a smart idea. She really, really wanted to kick his ass now. Maybe then he'd think twice before messing with her, which was what she was certain he was doing. It was the most logical explanation, really. She had known him for years, afterall, and she knew how cruel he could be when given the opportunity. He was probably just pissed about being forced to take part in a group project and was taking it out on her, his exam partner. Sadly, in the end, he turned out to be exactly who she thought he was before they 'connected' - a temperamental child with no respect for anyone else but himself.

Yesterday, when classes had ended for the week, she immediately headed over to the gymnasium to sign out a 2 hour time slot for Sunday evening. How was she planning on informing Bakugou of the time of their fight, you ask? Good question. She planned on slipping a note under his door. Childish, she knew, but he really left her with no other option. She didn't want to come across as pathetic, but she also didn't want him to think she was a coward who didn't hold up her end of the bargain. It was really the best choice, to lob the ball gently back into his court...the ball that he had unthinkingly just rolled back to her.

Taking out a lavender-colored post-it cube from her bedroom desk drawer, she wrote on the little square slip of paper in her neatest hand-writing: 'Meet me at the gymnasium tomorrow (Sunday) at 7 pm sharp if you still want to fight. Don't be late, or I'll consider it a forfeit.' Brevity was indeed the soul of wit.

Point effectively conveyed, she ripped off the note and folded the back so as to seal up the sticky part. She went over to Bakugou's door, knocked twice, and slid the note under it. With her excellent hearing she could hear him approach the door and pick up the note. He didn't say anything, and after a few minutes of listening to him just stand there breathing , she shook her head and retreated back to her room. Whatever. Whether he showed up tomorrow or not, she scored one point this round: Jirou 1, Bakugou 1. And she would win, at whatever cost.

Returning to her dorm room, she heard her ringtone going off. It was Toru calling her. Furrowing her brows, she answered her cell.

"What's up, girl?" Jirou said, trying her best to not sound like she wanted to bite someone's head off. And she wasn't referring to the head on their shoulders.

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