Chapter 12

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As Jirou began to return to the waking world, she opened her bleary eyes and noticed two things: one, she was most definitely not in her own room or a room she recognized (even with her poor and hazy vision) and two, there was someone lying asleep in bed next to her.  Her heart began to race as the memories of the previous night flooded back to her. 

Bakugou showed up with the guys at the club. He found her and proceeded to dance and flirt with her all night, front of their mutual friends. They front of everyone. He had- her face bloomed scarlet. She couldn’t even think of what she had let him do to her in the club’s janitorial closet without wanting to hide. Was she really that drunk? Was she out of her mind? And she had agreed to go to bed with him, without even thinking about what that might imply! She covered her face with her hands, mortified.  What must he think of her now? Did he think she was desperate? Slutty? Ugh…! 

She attempted to inch out of bed without him noticing, pulling the covers down, but her slight movements roused the sleeping form next to her. She froze, clutching her arms to her chest. Bakugou awoke with a yawn and a stretch, rolling over towards her, his lids peeling back slowly to reveal his crimson orbs. Crimson eyes locked with charcoal back, their faces mere inches apart. She watched as his lips curved up into a devilish smirk. What was going through that head of his?! Jirou gulped, throat bobbing. She didn't want to stay to find out.

“Um, good morning? Ahaha,” Jirou greeted awkwardly, hurriedly scrambling out of bed like a rabbit running from a fox.

She shoved her feet into her slippers and made her way to what she could sort of ? see as the door, but then had to double back because she forgot her bag. She bent down at the front of the bed to grab the straps, not daring to look up at Bakugou.  Slinging the bag onto her shoulders, she turned around and ambled her way towards the exit, uttering the words, “Thanks for last night, okay, see you later!” in a failed attempt at nonchalance, but Bakugou’s deep timbre of a voice stopped her in her tracks, her hand resting on the doorknob.

“Forgetting something?” He asked, sounding smug.

She slowly turned around towards him, dark eyes comically wide. There, standing at the foot of his bed, was Bakugou, the blurry outline of her lavender glasses dangling jauntily from his right hand. She found it a small blessing that her poor eyesight kept her from seeing what haughty expression must be on his face.

“Heh heh, oops!” Jirou said, sweat-dropping.  She walked towards him timidly, feet shuffling.  “I’ll just be uh, taking those then, and be on my way!”

“Oh will you now?” Bakugou’s voice was lightly laced with something vaguely sinister...yet alluring.  Her heart was in her throat.

“Uh, yep!” She held out one hand between them, palm face up like a gesture of peace.  “Thanks for the reminder, can I have my glasses, please?”

Instead of acquiescing to her request, he held them high above his head, way out of her reach. He was baiting her. “I think I would like you to do something for me first, princess. It’s only fair, yeah?”

“W-what?!” Jirou was a literal tomato at this point, frustrated and jumpy. “What do you mean, fair? You aren’t doing anything for me!”

“Tch, I could have let you walk out of here without your glasses, for one. Not to mention I am graciously handing them to you myself. I think that constitutes as something.”

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