Chapter 4

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As it turns out, Bakugou Katsuki was fully capable of feeling guilt...and like most other things, he hated it very, very much.

As soon as he returned to the dorms, he went looking for Kirishima to ask for his advice.  He was one of Katsuki’s closest friends, despite the gruff manner in which he was constantly treated.  Honestly, it was a mystery as to why Kirishima put up with Katsuki’s sour attitude and foul mouth, but they were good friends all the same.

Katsuki had wandered around the dorms, checking all of Kirishima’s usual haunts, but he was nowhere to be found.  He usually wouldn’t be in his room at this hour, preferring instead to hangout in the common areas with some of his classmates.  Yes, Katsuki paid attention to his habits. Katsuki did care about those he deemed worthy of the title ‘friend.’ Well, he cared at least enough to know some basic things about them.  It would shock anyone who knew him to hear this fact, though, and of course, he would never admit to it if asked.

Growing annoyed with the fruitless search, he decided to send Kirishima a Facebook message.

Ground Zero: Yo, where are you?

Yes, they had changed their chat nicknames to their hero names.  Don’t judge. There was a ding almost immediately after Katsuki sent his message, and he opened the chat bubble.

Red Riot: Hey, broski! I’m at Dance Club right now! I have it every other Wednesday after classes, remember? Should be done in about an hour if you still wanna chat about the combo move ideas!

Katsuki scoffed. He must have tuned out when Kirishima had told him previously, but Dance Club? That sounded stupid.  In fact, he even told him as much.

Ground Zero: That sounds stupid.

Red Riot: Nah, bro! Dancing is totally manly!  The chicks really dig a dude who has some serious moves. You should join up! I know that Aizawa’s been on ya about getting involved in a club.

Ground Zero: I’d rather punch myself in the face on repeat, honestly. No thanks.

Red Riot: There are hot, single girls here!

Ground Zero: Nope.

Red Riot: Jirou’s the club president!

Katsuki’s eyes widened a little. Jirou was a dancer, and not only that, but a good enough one to be the club president? He had no idea...and he hated that he was intrigued by the images of her gyrating, half naked now playing in his head.  He decided to try and sound nonchalant.

Ground Zero: So?

Yeah, that’s good.  Keep it brief and simple.  How the heck would Shitty Hair know about his stupid crush on her, anyway?  Wait...did he just admit he had a crush? GodDAMNIT.

Red Riot: I know you like her, dude. I’ve seen how you stare at her. It’s super obvious.


Fuck, was he so transparent that even his idiot friend had noticed? He would have to be more covert in the future...

Red Riot: Yeah you do, man!  Haha, but don’t worry.  No one else has any idea that you like her...except Mina. She’s my gf, ya know? We don’t keep stuff from each other.

Ground Zero: ...Just fucking let me know when you’re done.

Katsuki had no desire to continue this conversation.  He was already red as a tomato in the face and mildly sweating. It had to be his stupid teenage hormones fucking with him.  There’s no way he’d like someone that weak, no matter how hot they were.

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