Letter to Y/n

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Dear, Y/n

Its Justin writing this just so you can know. Wow How lucky am I? I never forget when we met at that Boba place in Dallas, Can't believe we never met before, anyway back to subject. You were so nervous it was adorable, Freaking Darren made things worse huh? Maybe that's why you weren't gonna even join NSB. Good thing your Boyfriend persuaded you to join, Well i hope I did.

Anyway Im not good at writing letters but trying for you. Im writing this to your future self, when we're older maybe NSB 7th anniversary or something.

Im writing about how much I loved you, I still do til this day your reading this, your beautiful eyes,hair,nose. Your soft kissable lips i can never get enough of, Your so addicting I love it. Everything about you is my favorite thing. I wonder what our future kids would think of you, i already know, They love you and be just like their dad(Me).

Yea I believe we will have kids and grow old together and live a long happy life and hopefully we still are. I love you that much Y/n, I never felt this for anyone I promise you That.

Now Y/n My arm getting tired and dont know what else to say except, Im so glad you've been hear for me. I Love You So so so much Y/n and that's why I wrote This letter, to cherish it and keep it as long as I did. Now hopefully your not crying because future Justin wants to ask you something. Maybe turn around and see what I did.

Your Future Husband
Justin Phan

What Will I Do:
Be on one knee with a box in my hand and ask Y/n "Will you Marry me?" And hopefully says yes.

Y/n:Justin come on the guys are waiting

Justin:Oh yea sorry babe.

Justin hid the letter and went and lift her up and kissed her

Y/n:Woah what was that for?

Justin:I Love you so Much Lim Y/n

Y/n smiled seeing his sincere eye and kissed him

Y/n: I love you too Justin Phan.

They smiled at eachother.

Y/n:Come Oliver rushing

She pulled him as he smiles

Justin pov

You dont even know how much I love you Y/n. One Day you'll see

Because your my Star

The End✨

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