Prologue-Act 1

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  After all the events from the attacks by stormterror to Aether's departure to Liyue, poor Klee was stuck in solitary confinement yet again. It didn't make it any better that she wasn't allowed to go outside due to the aftermath of the abyss attack wrecking mondstadt's outer wall. "If only I could go outside" Klee though wistfully as she drifting off to a soundless sleep. Unknown to her, a bright star rockets across the sky listening her request. Who knows what will happen to our little spark knight as she plunges into another adventure.

  As the small blonde girl wakes up, she realizes that this is not solitary confinement, more or less Teyvat!

  Ah, my lovely Knight,
The noble and beautiful flower of evil,
You are the most destined, number one in this world.
ーMirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the most…
ーFor thee, guided by the Mirror of Darkness,
Follow thy heart and take the hand of the one reflected in the mirror.
Flames that turn even stars into ashes,
Ice that imprison even time,
Great tree that swallow even the sky,
Don’t be afraid of the power of darkness,
Come now, show your power.
Mine, theirs, and yours,
There’s only little time left for us.
Do not let go of my hand, at all costs.

  "Don't let go of the hand...?" she thought before slowly falling unconscious under a black ebony carriage.


  "*yawns*... HUH WHEN DID MASTER JEAN PUT KLEE IN A BOX" Klee thought as she panicked before hearing a small voice from the other side of the dark, cramped box.

"Darn, people will come soon! I have to wear the uniform, fast... Ngggh!!! This lid is so heavy.

"I wonder what they are doing" she pondered as the "person" continued to open the box.

"If it has come to this… gonna have to use my last resort! Ngg…. there!!"

The person, or creature you could say managed to open the seal only to be met with a small child who seemed clueless to what was happening.

"A-ah small kid? And he's already awake!?" The creature yelps jumping backward.

  "Hehe, wow I didn't know there was a flying cat here" Klee chirped as she darted out the door trying to find out where she was.

  "Hmm, this doesn't seem like mondstadt at all, I thought this was a storage room in the Cathedral? I guess Klee was wrong," she thought before grim rushed into the room snapping her out of her thoughts.

  "Did you think you could run away from me!?
You lowly human! Now, if you don’t want to be roasted whole, give me those clothesー
Fugya!? It hurts! What’s this string!?"

  "It’s not a string. It’s the whip of love!
Aah, I finally found you. You’re this year’s new student, right? You seem to be very short for someone your age." A strange man in a crow mask seemed to question.

  "Umm, sir, where am I" the blonde asked while wondering about the "whip of love".

"Oh, it seems the transportation has left you with amnesia... Oh well. It happens a lot, after all. I will explain to you as we walk for I am gracious, after all." He explains partially ignoring the girl.

//Timeskip to mirror cuz I'm lazy//

  "Now go up to the mirror and state your name" Mr.Crowley instructs as Klee skipped to the mirror.

"State thy name" the dark mirror bellows.

"Klee!" She exclaims jumping up and down from the excitement of seeing a talking mirror.

"... I sense something very powerful in this girl, she is unlike any I have seen, she is one of the strongest students I've ever seen, therefore she is fit for every dorm" the mirror proclaims.

"Wait a minute, did the mirror say her?" Principle Crowley shocked at how a girl got here.

"Yeah!" Klee shouts taking the hood off her face.

Everyone was genuinely confused at how a young girl around the age of 9 got here. It was shocking enough for Klee to be a girl, but a child?!? Poor Klee was confused at why they were all looking at her with strange looks.

"D-did Klee do something bad!" She stammers at the verge of crying thinking she was in trouble.

"No no it's ok, there there" Vil said trying to calm down the young girl.

"*sniffle* hehe mister you look very very pretty!" Klee shouts while leaping into Vil's arms.

||act 1 completed||

(How was my first draft? Please tell me if I made any mistakes 🙃)

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(How was my first draft? Please tell me if I made any mistakes 🙃)

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