Prologue-Act 6

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"Well aren't they so cool~, unlike a certain raccoon."



Ace started laughing. "Puahahahaha! I can’t hold it in anymore! Ahahahaha! Hey, you guys are the ones who caused a riot during the opening ceremony, right? A person who got called in front of the mirror but actually was a child, and the monster barging in even though he didn’t get invited! Man~ it was so hard to stop myself from laughing during the opening ceremony."

Klee was puffing out her cheeks and was about to defeat the meanie before realizing he wasn't a bad guy. Instead she went with throwing a water bomb at him which would only hurt him a tiny bit.

"Hahaha an- ouch! Hey what was that for!"

Grim laughs at this. "Haha, serves you right idiot!"

"Well, to not know who the “Great Seven” are… how ignorant are you? I recommend you to start over from kindergarten before coming to Night Raven College."

"Well you don't even know who the 7 archons are! So you're the ignorant one meanie!" She shouts.

"Calm down already! I called you out to tease you a bit, but you guys exceeded my expectations. Well I suggest you go back to messing around like immature children~" he taunts.

Grim was fuming. "This guy! Let him talk and he crosses the line! I’m angry now!"

//Skipping to the part where Ace and Grim are about to burn the statue//

Grim throws a ball of fire at Ace. "Eat this!"

"That kinda flame, I’ll just change its direction with the wind… like this! Aaaaaaaah!! Shit!!" He yells as the fire was about to burn the statue.

Suddenly two unknown people come out and stop the fire with ice.

"Diona special!"

"Opening box of adepti tricks"

Klee looks back and a giant smile makes its way to her face as she sees her two best friends Diona and Qiqi.

Ace was shocked. "What?!? How did those kids?"

"Hey!!! What’s all this racket!?"

"Well these idiots over there were trying to burn the statue." Diona says pointing at Ace and Grim in an annoyed tone.

"Ugh, it’s the headmaster…"

Crowley looks at the two kids and thanks them for their help, then he looks back at the duo who caused this mess.

"As for you two, I expect you to clean 100 windows each."

"Eeh!? Why isn't that little kid cleaning with us?" Ace shouts pointing at Klee angrily.

Diona was about to beat the living shit out of Ace for talking about Klee like that, but was stopped by Qiqi. She reluctantly stops, instead muttering about how stupid and dumb Ace was.

"She has done nothing to damage the statue AND as you mentioned, she is a child. We wouldn't want a mere child to go around washing windows would we?"

Klee doesn't pay attention to the conversation and walks over to Diona and Qiqi.

"How did you guys get here? Klee got here through a weird looking carriage."

Qiqi thinks for a while before answering.  "Qiqi does not remember much, but Qiqi thinks a.... giant hole made Qiqi and Diona come here."

"What she means is that a portal came out of nowhere and sucked us in." Diona says as Klee nods.

"Maybe someone else will also come here like Razor or.... Master Jean." She shudders thinking about the scolding she would get from Jean.

"Wait, where are we gonna stay? We don't know anything about this place."

Klee ponders for a moment before an idea pops in her head. "Follow me guys, I have the best idea ever!"

//Timeskip to Klee running around the school trying to find Riddle//

Riddle pinches his cheeks again to make sure he isn't dreaming. "Ok so you interrupted me during class to tell me you want 3 more people, well technically 2 people and one pet, to stay at Heartslabyul?"

"Pleeeease, they're Klee's friends and they don't have a place to stay at," she pleads.

"Sigh, fine... but only until we can determine what dorm they should be in."

As much as Riddle wanted to say no, he just couldn't say no to those adorable kids. Hoping he didn't make the wrong decision, he goes back to class.

𝚃𝚎𝚢𝚟𝚊𝚝 𝚃𝚠𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎||𝙶𝙸 𝚡 𝚃𝚆𝚂𝚃 (Rewriting)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora