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hello everyone! this is me, the author, after half a year of hiatus, two (?) years after publishing this book! i NEEDED that break, lord. high school is such a terrible environment for me, and graduating was so amazing. SOOOO i'm now in a better space to potentially resume this story.

so, for any new readers, i just want to let you know i was in a bad mental space while writing this. failing classes, loosing friends, dealing with medication issues, getting sick. but i do think it's not terrible, just a little slow and confusing at parts.

however, i'm actually thinking about really planning it out and doing more research in some of the cultural and era elements. i'm actually going into a history degree, specifically in the mediaeval and ancient studies, so i'm actually really interested in it, but i've never had the time to conduct a proper study. i would also like to sit down and properly plan out the story, relationship and emotional beats so its a smooth story. soooo, yeah. it's unlikely i will pop out new chapters, BUT, i probably will re write what i've already published. i wont take things down without letting anyone know, don't worry.

thanks for reading! i hope you enjoy what you can :)

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