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by : vivi

I had awoken. I saw most of the members from the smp there. They looked at me in joy and told me that tommy saw me unconscious on the ground after they escaped. I almost started crying. Sapnap was there. Standing right next to me. "Wait..where is Karl-?" Everyone looked at me and pointed next to me. "He's dead. Tommy found him a small distance away from you." I was somewhat confused. Was this a dream or not?

(12 years later)

today I was going to visit Karl. I had gotten a job as a agent . Life was going really smoothly. I had tons of friends, I never forgot about Karl. Our enjoyable moments together meant the world to me.

George was calling me to hurry up and get the flowers for him. I had been dating George for a few weeks now and he's a really generous guy. He was also Karl's best friend.

when we got to the cemetery I look at Karl's grave and got down on my knees and placed the flowers down , I had been doing this every year after his death. George got down to hug me. Karl should have listened to me, that way he would survive and live happily, not me. He had more potential than me with life.

you also might be wondering how I didn't get arrested..? Well there was security footage on Karl's phone that showed more proof about nicks parents which lead to my release. i was only locked up for 7 years. If I ever saw Karl in the afterlife, we would plan a great and big future together, that was a promise I will always fucking keep.


(for the last godamn time)
originally creating by : inersyren
ideas: vivi, kimmy, and nia

"for the last godamn time." | karlwastakenWhere stories live. Discover now