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karl's pov:

i knocked on the door and a young lady opened it. "clay? someone is at the door." i saw him walk up. "hey imari is it okay if me and him talk in private?" she shrugged and got back inside. "karl you should leave.. it's not the best time right now." "why? and who's that girl inside.?" "i'll tell you later but you should probably leave before-" i saw a car drive into the driveway. it was my uncle. He got out of the car and looked over at me. My uncle wasn't that old, he was 28. he had brown slicked back hair with some blonde streaks, he wore a suit and only smiled when he saw me. "clay! it's been so long, and who's this?" i used to think of him as my father figure since my real dad was absent for a lot of my life. "hey uncle, this is my....boyfriend karl." he looked at karl for a moment, and then looked back over at me. "that's nice, but weren't you and imari still engaged? you both were just about to get married." i was, it was before i found karl.


"Clay! i'm so excited for the wedding, we have all the stuff prepared. Imari is right downstairs, we should get going now. the wedding is tomorrow so let's get most of the stuff over there." Tommy was probably the most excited. i did love imari a lot, she was such a sweet girl. before we met she didn't work at the agency, she was a waitress at a restaurant and i had walked in, she looked so pretty. her hair was up in a low ponytail, she had a white button up and would treat the customers so nicely. "Hello, my name is Imari and i'll be your server today! What can i get for you?" I was a very handsome man, which was probably why she kept on staring at me while she took everyone's orders. "i'll get a water for now." she smiled at me while she wrote the orders. When i left, i waited until her shift ended. When she walked out i walked next to her. "Hey, i never really got to introduce myself, I'm Clay." She looked over at me like she was inlove. "hey clay, wanna be friends?"

After that day we hung out almost all the time. We got very close and began to date, i soon had asked her to marry me to which she had said yes.

The day of the wedding was when i met Karl, he gave me seconds thoughts. i was still thinking about Imari. after Karl stopped having dreams about me, i knew i couldn't go through with the wedding. i never told anyone that i didn't love Imari anymore. i ran away for a while to my parents beach house with Tommy. "i'm inlove with karl." i told myself, until i stopped thinking about imari. i couldn't stand to think about what happened with me not at the ceremony. all i knew was that she was heartbroken. "i'm sorry my love." i took off my ring and put it in a small box. i would still carry her love with me forever.

I took the box wherever i went, i still had a small memory of her though. When i got informed from my uncle that she had joined the company, i was nervous. Karl would probably find out about her, he would hate me for that.
(end of flashback)

"So yeah, I had a fiancée while you were with Nick, i'm really sorry." "i love that your being honest." he held my face. "but i hate that you just now told me about her. He's pretty late for that. "cmon clay, and your boyfriend. let's get inside."

"for the last godamn time." | karlwastakenWhere stories live. Discover now