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Karl woke up, sweat dripping down his forehead. He had looked beside him. Empty bed, as usual. Karl had never known where Clay had went. he stood up from the bed and walked outside of the room. "morning karl, I made breakfast." Karls eyes lit up as he saw his boyfriend in good conditions, but also at the fact that he was starving like crazy. it had almost felt like he hadn't eaten in days. "oh thanks!" karl ran to a seat as dream placed his food on the table. "sorry karl, i gotta go now but ill be back in an hour!"

karl hadnt seen any of his friends that day which was unusual. they would normally be knocking at his door by that time. he was sitting on the couch playing with dreams cat, patches. there was finally a knock at the door, maybe it was nick or tommy?

karls pov:

I opened the door to see tommy with clays sister. "what's good big man karl! mind if we hang out here?" "oh uh yeah sure. also just so you know, um dream isn't here right now." I was still curious as to where clay was, he hasn't hung out with anyone in a long time, it felt like atleast 15 years. maybe he wanted to try again after yknow, what happened.. He had this new friend. Her name was Amelia, she looked like a model. To me, he acted way different around her, as if he was flirting with her and like we were never a thing. sorry, I keep overreacting about it. she's really nice, and compliments me anytime she gets. Don't get me wrong! she's kind and all that but I feel like her and dream have some type of connection, when he talks to her he seems more happy, and when he talks to me, he seems down or uneasy. clay was gonna throw a party at our house and of course, he was inviting Amelia. I didn't like the thought of her coming to our house. what if she did something to him? "hey karl! you okay?" dreams sister called out. " oh yeah, I'm good." i looked over at them. "hey uh do you know about Amelia? you know clays friend?" Tommy looked over at me. "well obviously, he's my best bud. I know everything about him. and he talks about Amelia nonstop!"

dreams pov:

I walked over to the alleyway. the one where I killed the poor guy. I felt some guilt but I knew damn well if I don't keep my family's reputation and legacy up then who knows what they'll do to me, probably turn me in with the fucking cops. My secret with Amelia is causing some damage  with me and karl. maybe I should stop, but I can't, she's my best friend. If people think me and her are dating then maybe my family will forget about me ending my killing sprees. as well as keeping my real relationship a secret due to my family being homophobic which I absolutely hated. When I was younger I tried hiding it. I had internalized homophobia. I didn't like the thought of gay or queer people. but after I met George something in me changed, he was my first crush, my friend. then when I met karl 8 years after George, it was love at first sight.

hey guys! if your reading this that means I finally uploaded another draft. don't worry this is still a kwt fanfic but I just wanted to switch things up cause why not? adding a girl "crush" into the story makes it more interesting. anyways ill be working on my other book (care for me) so read it if wanted / sorry if you wanted a dsmp story but its a henpat fanfic from it so yeah but anyways ily all!

"for the last godamn time." | karlwastakenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon