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karl's pov:
for some reason, me and clay could just never be happy. something always happened and it just sucked. he's a pain in the ass, yeah, but he's still my boyfriend, he has been for so long. and some times he can never tell the truth, about how he really feels. i just know it.

clays pov:
i had arrived to the house, it looked nice. 3 stories but a whole lot of fucking windows, almost like a mansion but wasn't even close. i walked inside, looked like a palace. everything looked gold and shiny. maybe i could throw the party here instead. i'll just call karl and invite all our friends over. i honestly didn't even want any conflict between us but he can be such a fucking dick. me and amelia are friends, maybe i could make him jealous, make him love me more. he should care for me, i love, well "loved" him. i wanna start a new life, no karl, no drama. well we can't always get what we fucking want. i hate him, i hate him and i wanna kill him. something is fucking wrong with me. why would i wanna kill karl?

karl's pov:
i hate him. i wanna break up. we don't belong together. fuck him, he's a dick. i'll just call him. tell him how i feel. i don't want to though, i don't have a choice.

karl: hey clay. i gotta tell you something.

clay: me too, what is it?

karl: you can go first i guess

clay: i want you gone. and i hate you, but i just can't let you go. it's almost like i'm- like i'm attached to you somehow.

karl: oh, that's a lot. well i kinda wanna break up with you. if that's okay?

clay: yeah but can we still be friends?

karl:. yep, is the party at your new house?

clay: mhm, at 8pm. i'll send you the address.

karl's pov:. that went better than expected, i just hate the feeling of not seeing him often. not looking at his face or hearing his voice. the first day i saw him was the day my life felt like it truely started. maybe i do love him. maybe i'm just not ready to let him go.

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