; the known unknown world ;

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Running down the hall of your university, the breeze quickly prickled down your skin, making your (hair length) flutter, as (your eye color) orbs focused onto the near classroom banner

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Running down the hall of your university, the breeze quickly prickled down your skin, making your (hair length) flutter, as (your eye color) orbs focused onto the near classroom banner.

'Fck! I am damned today!!' You thought in your mind, as invisible tears ran down your face, glittering down the hallways.

A typical Female Lead type entry, struggling with lots of distress, even the air seemed to be found of you, whereas people glanced down your way as you ran gracefully...

A typical Female Lead type entry, struggling with lots of distress, even the air seemed to be found of you, whereas people glanced down your way as you ran gracefully

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You wished you were that!

Hell NO! you are MY female lead lol...rip you~

Your hair tangled in mess, sweating profusely while you wore the sweatshirt you wore yesterday, because you couldn't find anything near your arm length. Skipped breakfast, but at least you showered.

You tried to acquire more speed, but as clumsy as you are, your feet lost the fight making your whole body leaned towards the arms of the beautiful handsome air around you.

'Shut the fck up scar! Air is invisible-' your thoughts got interrupted as you realized the sudden cold grip on your buttocks and the sharp pain of such holding- when you landed straight onto the floor! On your butt~ Lucky there, no person was there looking at you. LOL.

'Seriously writing me like this, Scar!?'

Shouldn't you mostly worry about that butt of yours? I think it must hurt like writing 30 assignment papers in one night.

Realization hit you, as a sharp pain through the bone and muscles traveled down your receptors. You like that?

'Heck NO! You ass!!'

You get up on your feet somehow, staggering you reached your classroom and handed out your assignment book and excused yourself to the infirmary, where you put some ointment; took painkillers and had a good night rest.

[Do Not Disturb] You put the imaginary label down your forehead as you went off to sleep.

You had very good looks, ok...let's just say you had average looks, not like you were popular but it's not that you weren't popular. Except writing 30 assignments in one night you had another talent, Dancing. Not those classical but the hip-hop.

how did it end up like this | i love yoo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now