numb to feel.

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[ Kousuke POV ]

The day as usual started pretty annoying as those immature people- well- Hansuke and- god I dont even want to say how hilarious I must look infront of everyone, while trying to not draw any attention due to; Megan Cho.

'I need to have a good relation with them.' My gaze narrowed as I clicked on the mouse, while focusing onto the chart evident on the screen of my computer. 'Since Nol's girlfriend is Megan's younger sister.'

I let my head fall onto the back of the cushioned chair, I was sitting on; my head throbbing due to all these paperworks and crammed schedule.

"Well I must bear this to become the next respectable heir." I mumbled as a sigh escaped from my lips.


"Come in.I answered.

Jayce came in with a blue file as he sorted it out while with his right hand and attended a call with another.

He reached out to me and mouthed a 'Sorry,' he sweat-dropped.

Basically because there were more fileworks due to the recruitment period going on.

Another breathe escaped; I pressed the area between my brows to relax the tension. My temples throbbing with pressure- I got up and said, "I am going out, You need something?"

Jayce on the other hand, noticed me and kept the mobile away from his mouth and said, "The usual please~ Thank you again."

I nodded, collected my brown long coat; wearing it- and exited the room.

Even though the room is spacious, I definitely like it outside.

'Because there is no paperwork?' I thought. Upon realising my sudden way of thinking I pondered, 'Since when did I become so laid back?'

I proceeded my way to the restaurant beside our company. The home to all fatty-junk-food-greased-with-oil which Jayce and Nol loves so much; the McDonalds.

Do I need a short break?

'You mean an adult with a mental age of an oldie?'

My brows furrowed.

'Well yeah, even being a stuck up oldie is affecting your brain, you should change for real.'

"Urgh-" I groaned at the sudden thought of that girl's words.

Stuck up!



I was about to open the door, when Megan proceeded to come out of nowhere and grasped my arm tightly as she did her own business.

'Please, I dont have the energy right now...'

I looked at the woman beside me who looked- well. I don't know if I should make this comment but, she definitely should minimise the use of makeup. Otherwise she would be catfishing everyone.

I entered the space with her by my side, reluctantly.

My eyes laid upon the murmurs of the people at one corner of the space-

I was bewildered with what I saw. Who wouldn't?

'Mother! What is she doing here?' My gaze then fell on the woman she was conversing with and Miss Yoo beside her looking at the woman with worry; acceptable that the other person was a bit taken back with my mother's words.

how did it end up like this | i love yoo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now