sorry m late

39 4 1


You took the face mask and spread it on your face. You put on your bathrobe and cross your legs, sitting on a rocking chair.

"Haa..." You sighed as you glanced at the clock, "40 mins to 5, huh..."

'Gosh, those midterms are gonna smack my ass in the upcoming week.' You clicked your tongue.

Even though you were a uni student before, come on now, which student has fared well in those goddamn stupid academic validations!?

You gave out another hopeless sigh as you prepared yourself for the approaching outing.

You slumped your head to the side, leaning on the chair.

'I shouldn't visit our that's gonna look so cheap for me.' You abruptly got up as your hands clenched on the side rails of the chair, "Ah, shit where tf are we meeting btw?"

You swiftly scanned the area near you, unable to find your mobile, you fell to the ground.

"Where- in the world-" You murmured with a frown.

You kicked, displaced, and tore apart things (in exaggerated form) in your house, making you pant.

But you still not finding your mobile.

Ding Dong!

"And who might be visiting me in my sorrow!?" You scowled as you looked in the direction of the door.

You gave one last punch to the pillow and went ahead to pick up the door.

"Yes- How can I help- OMG!" Your breath hitched as you saw the redhead right in front of you, 'OH NO!' You thought as you gave a wry smile at him who had a flushed face covering up to his ears, "WASSUP REDDIE-"

"Be a little conscious, god!" He 'covered' his eyes.

'But you're still peeking...'

Your attention went to what you wore and realized your disheveled figure: robe falling out from your shoulders, cleavage showing, and your damned face covered with a dried face mask.

"Aahhh shittt!" You screamed in agony as you felt the brick texture on your face. You ran off to your washroom and cleaned up your mess.

Redhead stood there, deadpanned.

Peeking inside, and saw your clothes crying for help from the edge of the room door.

'Wtf was she doing?' He thought as he sweat-dropped.

"Come inside!" You shouted from the washroom.

"What a way to be welcomed!" He murmured, with a smile.


"Why is your room like this?" He asked as he sat on your bed.

You, who sat in a typical peasant-plucking-grass posture, answered, "Oh I couldn't find my phone lol."

"Want me to ring it?" He asked.

He rang your mobile and it was just beneath the bed. (m here to give u panic attacks dw)

"How in the world did it go there, are you serious, omg!?" You look at that piece of metal horrified as you recall the trauma it gave you just some minutes ago. You sighed as you looked at your mobile, 'Am I forgetting something?'

how did it end up like this | i love yoo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now