chapter ten.

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It was a year since the Salvatores attacked Serenity - a year since Klaus promised he would stay. It was eleven months since he left. Again. With no explanation. Not even a letter this time. He just left.

Serenity was now a student at Whitmore College. At the prime of her life, she had admittedly never been happier. She had a loving boyfriend, Jack, and a perfect (literally - her aesthetics were envied by everyone) best friend, Fearne.

It was an average night for Serenity, she had spent the entire evening with Jack - hiding the fact that he would constantly spend the night in her room from her RA is mission impossible. But it was fun. And that's what she needed. So much has changed since high school - she has changed as a person. She is no longer the sad orphan, she was confident, independent and more importantly... actually enjoying life.

"Hey, Serenity?" Jack whispered into her hair as they lay on the bed watching TV. She looked up at him. My God, she thought, how did I get this lucky? She examined his jet black hair that was pushed back and his crystal blue eyes - as if the ocean is trapped inside them. Needless to say, he is a beautiful human.

"Yeah?" She smiled up at him.

"I'm really happy I met you. You're just, God, you're amazing. Have you ever had that feeling where, like, you meet someone and it is so blatant that, on some level, you belong together? And they, I don't know, help you feel alive. I'm not sure whether that means I believe in fate, or coincidence, or soul mates, whatever. But it makes me believe in something." He sighed. "Wow, I am so lucky."

Serenity sat up and looked at him. In a moment of sheer passion, she kissed him. And in that moment, she completely forgot about Klaus. In that moment, it was Jack. And before she knew it, she found herself saying...

"I love you." She realised what she had just said and sank into an pit of embarassment.

"I love you, too." He said, intertwining his fingers with hers.

"BREAKING NEWS-" A voice from the TV drowned out both of their thoughts, and they were drawn to the TV. "A student at Whitmore College has been found dead on campus-"

"What?!" Serenity screeched, leaning forward towards the TV.

"She has been identified as Victoria Rhodes, 18 years of age. Cause of death is unclear, however it is most likely an animal attack. The victim was found drained of blood with a severe bite mark on her neck. Updates to come."

Serenity stared at the TV minutes after the news had ended, in utter disbelief. Her mind was blank - she was left truly bewildered.

"Shit, man... I have economics with her." Jack said, breaking the silence.

"Y-yeah..." Serenity was hardly able to let any words escape from her mouth.


4 hours later - 3:00am

Serenity awoke with the sound of a text message from an unknown number. It read:

"Come outside, Serenity."

In her tired state, she managed to text back: "Who is this?"

2 seconds later, a response: "The person you're hoping it is."

She rolled over onto her side, to see Jack sleeping soundly. She crept out of bed, and put clothes on that weren't her pajamas. She eventually reached the outside of the campus to find no one there. "You've got to be kidding me" she mumbled to herself, as she turned around to walk back inside.

"Hey there," said a voice which sounded soul-crushingly familiar. Serenity stopped in her tracks and sighed. She turned around to see Klaus. She closed her eyes, as she felt her heart sink into her shoes as she saw the man who was her everything... now her nothing.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, forcefully.

"Do I not get a kiss?" he said, with half a smile.

"You're kidding, right?"


She rolled her eyes. "Really, though... it's been a year, why now?" At this point, she was feeling extremely emotionally fragile. He shrugged.

"I don't like your boyfriend."

Serenity, disgusted at this, scoffed. "You're kidding, right? You honestly think your opinon still has any effect on me at all?"

"It does."

"No, it doesn't."

"Yeah, it does."

"You know, Klaus, it fucking sucks how you leave for a year without an explanation, not even a note, I might add, just to come back because you don't like my boyfriend. I've got some news for you: I love him. And I'm happy. And it's cool, 'cause I know he won't just pick up his things and leave just because he can. OH-and he's human."

He walked closer to her. To the point where she could feel his breath on her face. She didn't want to admit to herself, that in that moment, she was so forcefully attracted to him that it was almost impossible for her to deny.

"So..." He said seductively, his eyes piercing through her. "You're telling me how," his hand stroked down her arm, "you don't think about me anymore? You don't still feel that ache in your heart where you know I belong?" he began stroking her hair. "You don't wanna kiss me right now?"

For a second, Serenity felt compelled. But she knew he wouldn't do that. And she knew she wasn't, because she was able to say:

"No. I don't. Now, if you excuse me," She pulled away from him, "I have a boyfriend asleep in my bed. I'm gonna go back to him - because, y'know, that's what you do when you love someone. Goodbye, Klaus." She walked away.

♡ How can I love when I'm afraid ♡ | A Klaus Mikaelson love storyWhere stories live. Discover now