chapter nine.

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"So your just gonna sit there? No answers to the questions I've asked you? Do you understand how shit it feels to be left in the dark when I almost died today?" Her voice raising, anger rushing through her body.

"What do you want to know, Serenity? They tried to kill you because they wanted to attract me back to Mystic Falls so they could kill me." Klaus stared at her.

Serenity buried her head in the hands. "Yes but why?" she realised she was shouting. "Why do they want to kill you, Klaus? Where are they now? They stabbed me in the leg and there is no wound. I need answers."

"They want me dead because I'm dangerous, and so are the people I'm running with. I've compelled them, meaning I am able to control their thoughts, actions etc. I told them to leave you alone and never touch you again. Yeah, they stabbed you in the leg..." he looked down, and mumbled "I cured you." She frowned.

"What? What do you mean cured me?"

"I, uh... I fed you my blood..." he didn't look at her.

"What?!" she stood up and paced around her living room. "Oh my God, I feel sick. You fed me your blood?"

Klaus grew impatient. "Yes, I fed you my blood, Serenity. A vampire is able to cure a human of their injuries if they feed them their blood. That's what I did to you. I might just have to compel you if you don't shut up. It's not that hard to understand."

Serenity was taken aback by this. "Excuse me? Well, shit, yeah. I forgot someone brought up in a completely rational world, surrounded by normal human beings, isn't allowed to be shocked when they discover they're living in a world surrounded by supernatural forces. And by letter? Really, Klaus? I had to find answers from Damon Salvatore because you decided to keep everything from me, because apparently I'm not worthy enough of knowing. Just leave."

Klaus walked over to her, and held both her hands. "I'm sorry," he whispered.

She looked down. "Please just leave, Klaus." he turned around to leave, and started to walk towards the door. Until Serenity stopped him.

"Actually, no. You know what?" Klaus turned around. "I'm gonna tell you how I felt. I want you to know how absoloutely devastated I was when I found that letter that said you were gone. For the past seven months, I kept telling myself that maybe you were just scared because for once, someone actually wanted to be with you." Her voice started to break, "You didn't call. You didn't write. You broke my fucking heart." She broke down crying.

"Serenity," Klaus paced over to her and took her into his arms, "Serenity, it's you. It's been you for the past 390 days. It's you when I'm going through a horrible time in my life, and it's you when I'm having the best time of my life. It's you I will continue to come back to. You are everywhere and everything." his hands started shaking as he looked into her eyes and removed the hair from her face and wiped her tears, as he realized that there is no possible way that they could be together.

♡ How can I love when I'm afraid ♡ | A Klaus Mikaelson love storyWhere stories live. Discover now