chapter eight.

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Serenity's P.O.V

He left it on my desk seven months ago. He was gone, and I did not have the time to tell him what I had only recently realised: I loved him.

I spat it into his voice mail, exactly seven months since he left. I spoke like the shot of whiskey I had just downed (merely for courage). "How could you do this to me, Klaus? I loved you, I love you, and we haven't spoken for four months but I want to know things. I want to know how your doing, and if you're happy, and if you're favourite book is still The Great Gatsby, and if you still drink when you're tired and talk in your sleep. I was wondering if you still think about me or maybe you just pushed me so far back you forgot about us and the things we did. I hope not. Yeah, sorry. I'm still here. In Mystic Falls. Waiting for you. If you were wondering. You're probably not. I should go. Yeah, I should... Please just know I always wonder. Uh, okay, I'll stop now, bye."


There was a knock at the door at exactly 8am. In fact, a very loud knock. A continous one. Relentless. She rolled out of bed and dragged herself to the door; always maintaining the slightest bit of hope that maybe, just maybe, it was him...or not.

"Eurgh, what do you want?" Serenity mumbled as she came across the face of Damon Salvatore.

"Hey," he smiled. "I just wanna talk." He shrugged his shoulders and sat down on the sofa. "I heard, uh, about Klaus." Serenity rolled her eyes. "Do you believe me now?"

She folded her arms. "I mean, I-I have questions, obviously... I just... It seems impossible, you know?"

"Hey, listen. All you need to know is that Klaus is a bad person. Believe it or not. He has killed thousands upon thousands of people. He can't be killed the way a normal vampire can. He's a hybrid. But he's a danger, an abomination, you might say... and we don't want him walking around. He has a very advanced hybrid army willing to kill anyone. You wanna help us defeat him?" Damon asked.

"Uh... m-maybe. No. No, I don-"

"Good," Damon said, and with a knock of his fist, she was lying on the ground.


Serenity looked up suddenly, her vision blurred. She felt her hands tied to something. "W-What's going on? Where am I?" she asked, breathlessly. Stefan Salvatore looked at her, before running out. She heard him distantly shout, "She's awake!"

Before she knew it, she was looking up at the faces of Elena Gilbert, Bonnie Bennett and Damon and Stefan Salvatore. "Get Klaus on the phone," Elena demanded. "This is it, guys. Klaus is gonna die. Finally." She beamed.

"Oh hey, Klaus." Damon said.

"Put him on speaker," Stefan declared, "he needs to hear this."

"What do you want? I don't have time for this." Serenity heard Klaus' distinct voice through the phone and immeditely looked up.

"Klaus...?" she whimpered.

"We have your girl. And she's gonna be dead in about," he looked at his watch, "three hours." Serenity gasped.

"You touch her and I swear to God I will rip your hearts out without even blinking. I will kill all of you and everyone you care about." Klaus said, in a harsh way that took Serenity by complete surprise. Stefan pulled out a pen knife and walked towards Serenity.

"N-No, please!" She whispered, shaking her head with tears rolling down her cheek. Stefan stabbed her in the leg and pain rushed throughout her body, and she screamed. The pain was horrific. The last thing she could remember was Klaus' voice on the end of the line.

"I'm going to kill you. I'm coming. Don't touch her." He hung up, his voice breaking.


Serenity woke up to the sound of faint breathing. She opened her eyes to find herself on her own bed... did she just dream that? She felt her leg, and nothing. What is going on?

"S-Serenity?" she heard a voice whisper. She looked up and gasped.

"Klaus..." tears filled her eyes. "What just happened?"


oh gosh. :DDDDD

♡ How can I love when I'm afraid ♡ | A Klaus Mikaelson love storyWhere stories live. Discover now