chapter one.

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metanoia: (n.) the journey of changing one's mind, heart, self, or way of life

"This isn't going to hurt, love. Don't make a sound." Klaus whispered to an innocent girl who he found walking the streets. With the way his eyes were piercing into hers, anyone would have thought they're in love. Nobody would have suspected the fact that he is a deadly vampire and the girl he's holding is his next victim. In one very swift movement, his teeth penetrated her delicate skin. They both stand there, swaying slightly. The girl grew weak, and Klaus knew exactly when to stop. He turned her around, looking her in the eyes. "You will forget this happened." And with that, he threw her onto the ground and carried on casually strolling down the streets of Mystic Falls, not letting the smug smile wipe off his face for even the smallest moment.


Serenity woke up in love with a dream. She woke up and realised that things, once lost, can never be found. Searching for these things will be as preposterous as searching for a dream you can't even remember. She lay in full consciousness listening to the different sounds communicate with her. She looked at her clock. 10:01am. She felt reluctant to even begin the day, despite the fact it was a Saturday. She knew what the days ahead were going to bring her - more weariness, more trails and more apparitions of her in different forms. She pulled herself out of bed, dragging herself up along with the thought of "I can't continue to feel like this". She said this to herself practically every day. But something really had to change.

About an hour she had to wonder what she was going to do with herself, until she decided to take a walk down to the Grill. Better than not doing anything, right? As she walked down to the popular hotspot of Mystic Falls, she realised it felt pretty strange being out of the house. She remembered why she liked walking so much, before all the disasterous events had taken place and she watched her once so good life go straight into the drain. But the reasons changed. She did things that consumed her time so she didn't have to stare at the clock aimlessly as they ticked all of her empty ways, and she wants to feel a little better than completely dead on the inside.

Her thoughts always, without fail, ran back to Tyler. When you lose someone you love with all your heart, you truly understand why people act the way they act. Everyone has a healing process to go through, and she had a gut feeling that her's was going to last for a very, very long time. She pushed open the doors that led into the Grill, and tried to put on her best "I am confident" smile. She felt eyes burning through her persona, and it was obvious everyone saw straight through it. She breathed in and braced herself for the amount of smiles of sympathy she's going to gain from just this one place. She walked over to an empty space and sat down and fiddled with the bracelets which hung off her wrist. She felt a presence behind her, and as she turned around, she really thought it was going to be someone coming to share their sorrow. "Tyler..." She whispered as she felt her stomach drop. "Hey, Serenity... how are you doing?" He said, sounding considerate. She scoffed. "Can I ask you something?" She said, whilst standing up and turning to face him. "Sure..." He said, confusion running over his facial expressions like water. "Was it easy?" She said, with a slight smile and a questioning look in her eyes. "Was what easy?" He asked. "Leaving me. Saying all those cute things, spending all those nights with me and then just walking away like it was nothing. Like we were nothing. Like I was nothing." Serenity's tone began to get louder, as she found all these words pouring out of her mouth uncontrollably, as tears began forming and running down her cheek. He looked away, and then back at her. "No." He whispered, as he walked away.


Klaus had seen many heartbreaking moments in his life, but he never really took them into consideration. He figured it'll never be happening to him, considering he'd never let it happen. He recalls back to the moment he told Elijah, "love is a vampire's greatest weakness". He was right. As he sat silently at a table in the Grill, overlooking the obvious heartbroken girl and... Tyler. A fellow hybrid. He rolled his eyes as he watched Tyler walk away. He moved one seat closer to the girl who was letting the tears get the better of her. "You alright, love?" He asked, trying to sound as considerate as possible. "Yeah. On top of the world" She sniffed and rubbed her eyes as she walked out of the Grill and out into the daylight. For the first time in a long time, Klaus began feeling something other than self-satisfaction. He began to feel sympathy.


hi guys:D thankyou for the lovely comments on my last one! :-) i'm so sorry it's taking a while to get into it but it's not really the sort of story where it just gets into it like i can't work like that i'm fussy when it comes to introductions -.- anywho thankyou! i hope you enjoy :-)

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