Chapter 4

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10 ~~INT. Y/N'S APARTMENT~~ 10

Y/n is in her apartment staring at a blank piece of paper on her desk.

She's shaking a pencil back and forth.

Suddenly, her phone rings.

She sighs and puts the pencil down.

She gets up and goes over to the phone.

She picks up the receiver and puts it to her ear.


Y/n, it's me.

Oh hey, Peter. How's it going? We totally didn't just see each other a couple of hours ag-

Harry's in the hospital.

What? What happened?

I-uh-look I don't think he's going to make it. He just came after me and he hit his head and he's not responsive. I'm so worried, y/n. It's all my fault.

Don't-don't worry. And don't blame yourself. I'll be right there.

Y/n slams the phone down and hurries out of her apartment.

11 ~~INT. HOSPITAL~~ 11

Peter is sitting on a chair in the hallway of the hospital, looking at the ground and holding an empty paper cup.

Y/n comes through the doors.

Peter looks in her direction and immediately stands up.

Y/n walks over to him.

Hey, how's he doing?

I don't know. He wasn't responsive at first, but now...

Peter sighs.

Y/n looks at him with a sympathetic expression.

She sighs.

Do you want to tell me what happened?

She sits down in a chair and Peter sits down in the chair next to her.

I was just driving home and he came out of nowhere. We had this big fight. I tried to explain things to him, but he just wouldn't listen. He just kept going after me, so I made him fall. I was just protecting myself. I should've been protecting him. I wouldn't have done it, if I'd known. He's my best friend.

Y/n puts her hand on Peter's arm.

He looks at her.

I know you wouldn't have done it. And deep down, Harry knows that too.

Peter smiles at y/n weakly.

Did you tell MJ about what happened?

Yeah, but I kind of gave her a different story over the phone. The doctors too.

Makes sense. What did you say?

I said that it was a hit-and-run.


Suddenly, a doctor comes down the hallway.

Y/n and Peter turn their attention towards him and stand up.

Peter sets down his empty paper cup and walks over to him.

Y/n follows.

How is he?

He's gonna be okay.

Y/n and Peter both look relieved.

But there's been some memory impairment. Particularly his short-term memory. Right now he can't remember the accident or anything that happened to him recently.

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