Chapter 5

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Y/n is in her apartment staring at the same blank piece of paper on her desk as before.

She takes a few deep breaths while holding the same pencil.

She's about to write something when her radio goes off.

She curses and throws the pencil down on the desk.

She looks over at the radio.

All cars. All cars in the vicinity of 54th and Sixth Avenue, please report. Crane out of control, approach with caution.

Y/n gets up from her desk and takes a deep breath.

She then walks over to her closet and puts on her superhero outfit.

She puts her normal clothes back on top of it to conceal it and leaves the apartment.


Y/n is jumping from building to building as Lizard-Girl.

She suddenly sees the crane swinging in the distance.

She gets closer to it and sees that a part of a building has collapsed and a woman, Gwen Stacy, is falling.

She moves faster.

She reaches the building just as Gwen lands on the edge of the building.

She stands on the slanted floor.

Here, grab my hand!

Y/n edges closer to Gwen.

Gwen is screaming and shakily holds out her hand.

Y/n reaches out for it.

Watch out!

Y/n turns around and sees a desk sliding down the slanted floor towards her.

She hops out of the way, but the desk slides down to where Gwen is.

Gwen falls and grabs onto a pipe of the building.

Y/n runs over to her.

Just hang on! I'm gonna save you!

Y/n reaches out her hand again.

Gwen goes to hold out her hand, but the pipe starts separating from the building, pushing her further away from y/n.

The pipe starts swinging back and forth as Gwen dangles from it.

Y/n looks for a way to get Gwen.

She suddenly has an idea.

She walks over to the edge of the pipe.

She goes to put her feet on it, but decides against it.

She then shoots out her tongue and grabs Gwen by the waist.

She pulls Gwen towards her with all her might.

Gwen is still screaming, but she slowly makes her way over to y/n.

When she makes it by y/n's side, y/n lets go of her.

You'd better hold onto me, so you don't fall again.

Oh thank you. Thank you so much for saving me.

Y/n smiles.

All of a sudden, the crane comes back and destroys more of the building.

However, it doesn't destroy where y/n and Gwen are currently standing.

Gwen holds onto y/n tighter.

Well, I guess now we can't take the elevator out of here. How are you with jumping?

Gwen looks at y/n with a confused expression.

Peter then comes out of nowhere as Spider-Man and picks up y/n and Gwen, making Gwen gasp.

He starts swinging and shooting webs to land on the ground.

Show off!

Peter laughs.

They eventually reach the ground and Peter lets go of y/n and Gwen.

You okay?

Yes actually. Thank you for asking.

I was talking to her.

Yeah. I'm fine. Thank you. The both of you.

Anytime. We're happy to help.

Y/n flashes a smile.

Peter then grabs y/n and goes to swing away, but a man, Edward Brock Jr., stops them.

Hey, Spidey and Lizzie, hold on. Bugle needs a photo.

Gwen starts running away.

Edward touches her arm as she's running past him and she stops.

Thank God you're okay.

Gwen resumes running and goes over to her father.

Hey, I'm the new guy.

New guy?

Eddie begins taking pictures of Peter and y/n.

From now on, I'm gonna be taking shots of you for the Bugle. So smile. Are you smiling? Just kidding.

What? No. They got a guy.

Who, Parker? Um, yeah, look, just between you and me...guy's kind of an amateur.

Y/n scoffs.

Have you noticed his stuff makes the two of you look a little...bloated? Just-yeah, a little chunky.

Edward starts taking pictures of them again.

So smile. Especially you, doll.

Edward winks.

Okay, We're out of here.

Y/n holds onto Peter as he swings away.

Edward and Gwen watch them go.

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